I am happily accepting entries to be recorded and uploaded to my channel; llT4KProductionsll Here's an example of the quality of my capture card, altough it's not the greatest it does get the job done. YouTube - Halo Reach - The Hard Life of a Mountain Truck If you would like to submit a map to be featured on our channel then please watch this video; YouTube - We'll Record YOUR Halo Reach Maps! That's it, have a nice day guys.
I would love to take you up on this offer. I'm going to add you on xbox live so I can show you a couple maps I've finished.
Ah crap I declined you, I'm sorry. It's because I get a TON of randoms everyday because I'm ranked 9th in the world on Trials HD, so I'll automatically decline anyone I don't recognnise. Just send me another, now I know your name I'll accept.