RPG story, House, Spa resort & adventure!

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Foxfire Celest, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Foxfire Celest

    Foxfire Celest Forerunner

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    Here are some screenshots!

    Role-playing and casual slayer/team slayer type of map

    Built in forge world, this is a large map which includes a large house on a beach, a spa-resort island, a cozy cavern, a secret bunker and a highway adventure spanning almost all of forgeworld.

    Good for casual fun with your friends and Slayer or Team slayer (red vs blue).
    Thoroughly tested multiple times, the action pace is good and a special care was taken for the placement of weapons, armour abilities and vehicles. The re-spawn points are designed to allow the player to quickly re-enter combat zones.

    Detailed contents:

    • Large, multi levelled house with living room, bathroom, staircase, bedroom, hidden room and large windows.
    • Outdoor spa-resort island with living quarters, large outside pool, heli pad and an observation tower.
    • Two underwater road connecting the house with the spa-resort and the spa-resort with the cavern
    • Cozy cavern with stone table, two beds, toilet, large TV and a trap room!
    • A racetrack with two jumps, leading to a high rise forest adventure around forge world! Discover what lies at the end.
    • A military grade defence bunker including a regenerative mine field and standard defence systems.
    • Includes armour abilities: Sprint, jet pack, hologram. Rare: evade, bubble shield, invisibility, armour lock-down
    • Two falcon, two mongoose, one warthog and one banshee.
    • Weapons: Needle rifle, shotgun, hammer, rocket launcher, needler, plasma pistol, concussion rifle, plasma repeater, DMR, grenade launcher and focus rifle. Grenades (2) and Plasma grenades (2).

    Comments, suggestions, criticism are all welcomed! I would really like to hear your comments on this map. Is there a demand for role-playing type of maps? Would you like a more fast-paced fighting variant base on this map?
    I was envisioning making a variant good for slayer, team slayer, capture the flag, one flag, neutral flag, king of the hill and safe havens.
    Let me know what you think!!

    Foxfire Celest

    Added after 7 minutes:

    General overview, you can see the spa-resort, the house, the cavern and the forest highway adventure road.

    Close up view of the spa-resort

    Spa-resort interior

    Water pathway to the cavern

    Cavern interior, table and TV

    Cavern interior, beds and overhead walkway

    House, front view

    House, living room, first floor

    House, bedroom, 4th floor

    Racetrack and beginning of forest highway adventure

    Forest highway adventure, the ramps and bridges!

    A big bridge, don' fall off!

    The bunker's entrance, GET OFF MY LAWN!

    And thats it, I hope you find this map enjoyable to play!

    Knock knock, who's there?
    #1 Foxfire Celest, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  2. Lyles

    Lyles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    haha dood! So creative! Youve got my download!
  3. Foxfire Celest

    Foxfire Celest Forerunner

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    Thanks! Let me know how you like playing in it and if there's anything that could be improved :D

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