In this thread discuss all of your complaints about Halo: Reach or things about it that you don't like. I have done this so the forum doesn't get crowded with lots of individual threads with individual people talking about the same problems. My Opinions Bad campaign Glitchy everything Not as good as Halo 3 Basic game type chooses online Credit limits Rank limits UGLY OVER THE TOP ARMOUR awful weapons
This is apparently a Monument to all of everyone's complaints. Even then, MW2 failed that much harder.
Isn't there pretty much already a thread for bitching about Reach? The only thing about campaign that I dislike is that they re-cycle a couple of the maps. I felt that the difficulty was definitely harder than any of it's predecessors and glad they vamped it up for the last hurrah. Oh wait... when playing co-op on campaign, the friggin game kept saving over and over again in some parts of the campaign. Either that or it was a bit of lag, but it was annoying as hell. Forge is definitely different. Still getting a feel for it. I may need to change my controller sensitivity settings to remove the momentum factor when moving fast in forge mode. It may be the reason why pieces are so much more difficult to fine tune the alignment when not using the coordinates. I really wish that the textures were more "bland" so that the pieces could be more universal in aesthetic looks. A bland texture with the color scheme choice would be ideal. Playlists would be my largest gripe with the game. Choices are way too broad. I can understand that people quit due to the voted choices. Sometimes people would just like to race, or play infection... why put so many vastly different game types together in the same playlist? I understand that we can play customs, but sometimes it's hard to find enough friends and would prefer not to be the one to set-up games. The one thing I find hilarious is the people that constantly ***** over credit and rank caps... especially when most of their Halo 3 career consisted of custom games, of which they received no reward in cR or rank. It's way too early to complain about Reach. Every change needs some time to adjust, and the Halo franchise is no different. Soon most of the people will either adapt and thrive or pout more and move on to another game.
Why did you mention credit limits? Are you going to somehow achieve 60,000 credits in one day and be mad you can't earn any more?