Invasion: Ulduar

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Redfang58, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    Invasion: Ulduar 1.1

    Hey forgehub, this is my first map posted here and I really hope it'll be a winner. Please comment, criticize, compliment, etc. and well... enjoy :D
    Raid: Ulduar
    Ulduar is modeled of course after the WoW raid. It's made as an invasion gametype (Raid) so that spartans are the "raiders" and elites are the "dwarves". Naturally, with the 3 phase limit, not every Ulduar encounter was possible, but I tryed to capture the spirit of the raid.
    This is the "raiders" first spawn area. Modeled after the Ulduar vehicle gauntlet event, the spartans get two, fast respawning heavy vehicles, and quick mongooses for infiltration. There is also a teleporter which becomes available once phase one is complete, which allows quicker access to phase two's area.
    The wraiths for the defenders are immovable, as are (obviously) the shade turrets, and are mainly for holding off light vehicles, and footsoldiers, as the scorpion will be able to blow them to bits quite quickly. The defenders all need to work together to either hijack and destroy, or just fire at the scorpion to take it down, and delay the inevitable.... The first phase is assault, so the person carrying the bomb cannot enter a vehicle's driver seat. The bomb plant point is right in front of the back wall there, and once it's detonated.... avoiding spoilers..... the next area becomes acessible.
    Next is a small, bland hallway, with one narrow passage. The spartans now respawn near here, and the elites spawn by the new territory objective.... here.
    This was taken in forge, so the hill would be visible. No defensive points in this phase, just an open and out brawl for the territory. The rocks won't be there until the territory is captured and the next wall falls...
    REVEALING YOGG SARON HIMSELF! In this phase, the raiders need to capture the brain of Yogg Saron (the core), and using the convenient teleporter to the end-of-phase-one-wall, bring it back to the initial spawn point for a win!
    Will you unlock... THE SECRETS OF ULDUAR?
    Patch 1.1 Notes:
    *Added an "antechamber" to phase two complete with a defensive rise, barricades, and a crate, when moved provides the attackers with a tactical respawn point.
    *Redid some walling to make it more graphically pleasing
    *Redid the entire gameplay of phase two, to accommodate the addition of the new "Antechamber"
    *Added new "Keeper Towers" for phase one and three defense/offense
    *Added "vehicle repair pad" for phase one
    *Updated phase three class system to accommodate patch changes
    Vehicle Heal Pad
    Antechamber Rise

    1.2 PTR:
    *An invasion slayer variant with the keeper towers in phase one being targets?
    *A simple assault variant where the offense must destroy the towers, and then a large robot?
    *A complete redo of phase three's "flag return" mechanic, with an alternate route, perhaps with a vehicle?
    *Boss cameos?

    Redid links above, but here they are too just in case:
    Map dl: : Halo Reach : File Details
    Gametype dl: : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 Redfang58, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  2. lightcanrule123

    lightcanrule123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hah! Great idea for a map! I love WoW ;p. Anywho, I like how its a pretty good remake, im going to dl it and then compare to it in-game. It seems really choppy tho, you need to add some ascethetics, Make a V2 (complete new map), or V1.1 (add some stuff to the map now) Its very bland, from what I can see :|. I give it a 7/10, im going to check it out, and ill be back to see if my opinion changed :)
  3. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i like how you made the best of the invasion game into the raid but it just doesnt seem like ulduar. as a suggestion if you have money left build more ascetics to give that feeling you get when you walk into all the giant walled areas with elaborate decorations
  4. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    As per suggestions, v1.1 was released with some new graphical features. I hope ya'll enjoy it :D
  5. Fragos

    Fragos Forerunner

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    Looks cool, i would download but the link for the map comes up with "file not found"
  6. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    Ah whoops! Sorry! I didn't update the link correctly after I redid the map!
    One sec...
    Edit: Fixed as of this morning
    #6 Redfang58, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  7. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    How does the vehicle health pad work? Is it just for looks, or does it actually function?
  8. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    It's mainly aesthetic, but gives the vehicle time to heal with the cover it gives.
    If anyone's reading this thread and tried out the map... should I tweak a v1.2 or move on to bigger and better things?
  9. Cx3 Grunty

    Cx3 Grunty Forerunner

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    Ive downloaded and looked at it in Forge (wish i had the people to actually play this, but alas i do not. Will probably try this out at my next LAN), and personally feel as though you should either move on or completely rework it, to give it more of an Ulduar feel. (Im sure that would be quite a difficult task however). Spending as much time as i have in that instance, id love to see this somehow become an infinitely better map. By all means, its a good Forge, but it just doesnt have that Udlaur feel, aside from Yogg's Chamber, which i think you did nicely. Perhaps add more aesthetics or something, idk, i'm not the best forger. But im sure with some more time put into it, it could be an AMAZING map.

    Also, this has inspired me to want to make some kind of WoW Invasion games, although i dont know where i would start, lol.
  10. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    Lol well ok, I'll see what I can do...
    And no infringin on my wow invasions -.- unless of course you want to work together. Always up for that.
  11. Cx3 Grunty

    Cx3 Grunty Forerunner

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    Well honestly, i dont think i could do one on my own. Not yet anyway. The only thing i could think of off the top of my head to do is Faction Champions, which would require very minimal forging (just make the coliseum) and would end up being more of a gametype than anything. Thinking of setting up very low damage on players, and very high shields, so that it takes a while to take someone down, as per the encounter. Set up 5 different classes (loadouts) based on WoW classes, disable assasinations, etc. Just make it very WoW feeling, ya know?

    Anyway, if you ever do want to collab or something, i wouldn't mind.
  12. Scandalous

    Scandalous Forerunner

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    To be honest

    I think Ulduar is wayy too big of a raid to pull off the same feel as it would in game. I would do something smaller like umm idk Magtheridon's Lair or Gruul's or maybe OS is possible too?? or not even a raid just pull off deadmines haha that would be a fun laugh for us all.
  13. Redfang58

    Redfang58 Forerunner

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    Haha yeah... I'm a bit overzealous with my big instances.
    I was thinkin of dividing ICC into the different wings....
    Oh but I'm workin on occ right now.

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