Hey! i chose the name cableguy cos i was watching Ricki Lake one day and a guy on the show said "I aint gon be no god damn cable guy" and it made me lol, i dont want to be a cable guy either I joined because i really like forging, mostly race maps, and i am a noob at uploading so would really like some help, plus ive download sh** loads of cool maps from here, i want to be a part of the movement! hobbies... i play basketball alot! its always basketball, xbox and girls with me, only 3 hobbies i need im 18, male and im from the UK, i aint gon give me details out in a thread but if your cool msg me for my gtag or whatever peaceout X
Welcome to ForgeHub I also like B-Ball xbox and girls... and airsofting Well, we are glad you introduced yourself instead of rushing in the forum. Ps. MAKE SURE YOU IGNORE Insane54, He's a Whacko.
Nou are a whacko, Insane54 is a pretty cool guy. Anyway, welcome to forgehub. What kind of uploading troubles are you having exactly?
i just need to find someone with bungie pro that will kindly get my video off maps i have made so i can upload them, i also need to get some people to test them, i mean my friends have tested them but i want someone that won't have a biased opinion, i have 3 maps, a really cool race map, an american football map with gametype, and a banshee king of the hill style map and game equipped with nade launchers and plasma pistols!
Well, you can get your map tested here Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Testers Guild Bungie Pro users only get a certain amount of render time per month, I think you would have trouble getting them to part with it. Pictures and text describing them are usually just fine for a map.
Do you want just a video rendered, or a video made? I could do the former with my Capture Card if you wish.