One day in forge i decided to make a tower, that tower turned into a replica of centerpoint tower. so then i though wy not stop there. so i turned my attention to the harbour bridge. once that was done and with the few remaining credits i made a small fort denison. with the small remaining credits that are available i can set up a race gametype. but heres my problem i cant climb to the top of the tower on foot in race because after 10 seconds or so u repspawn in a vehicle. if anyone noes a way around this please let me know. Any way enough talk lets look at the screenshots. the sydney harbour bridge and centerpoint tower not to scale Fort Denison. Not a true replica but as close as i could do with the limited amount of objects i had left. Centerpoint tower. u can walk from the bottom all the way to the top. it features a spirall staircase all the way to the top plus a nice reward when u get to the top. Asuming you dont just cheat and fly up in moniter mode, you get a sense of how hight it is if u walk,. First floor. Viewing deck. I had fun making this map and i hope you enjoy it too. Again if anyone knows a way around that race isue please let me know.
Ohh nice looking map, the tower looks excellent! Hmm about that problem, i'm not to sure what you mean but you can get teleporters to teleport vehicles now? if that helps? But yeah anyway, looks like a map i'll have to try out
My idea was to make a race starting of in the canyon you drove all the way to the cave and then crosed the bridge to the base of the tower. Once here i planed to get out of the vehicles and run up the tower, this beeing a race to the top. But after 10 seconds or so i would respawn in a vehicle exacly where i had been standing and it tells me iv been on foot for too long. i dont think i can change this though.
You can make the entire thing a foot race. Damn nice Tower. You should take a go at the Sears Tower or Seattle Space Needle. Oh, hell, the Eifel(sp) Tower
What about the opera theater? Assuming thats what Sydney we're talking about. someone already made the Eiffel tower.
I have never been to Sydney, but with this map, i quess i dont have to! haha Anyways, good job on this map, I like how you just didn't make the tower to look at, but you can also go inside. Good job! -JGarb Forge
I'm a Melbournian but I think this map is great anyway I like centerpoint tower the most! Looks fantastic! Someone gave you the idea of making the whole thing a foot race... I'd like to see you give that ago