This is my first Forge-World map created in Reach, and it came out incredibly epic! On paper, it seems extremely well balanced, but without a good opportunity to get 16 players on there, I need some of you to try it out and enjoy. I spent 8 hours on this map, and I took special care with the planning of the features on this map. I'm a little uncertain about respawn timing, so I used hemorrhage as a standard for vehicle and weapon timing. I have lots of explosives on the map to balance the dominance vehicles seem to have in most Big Team Slayer matches, but if these explosive weapons are overpowering, then I could even further increase the respawn time on weapons (plasma launcherx1 at 180s, fuelrodx1 at 150s, I think, and rocket launcherx1 at 180s, and a grenade launcher at 120s) There are about 2 sniper nests for each team, as well as a turret for each team and a banshee. My motivation behind this map was to give vehicle fanatics a battleground in which to slaughter. Those unfortunate men on foot would have a system of catwalks and bridges to retreat to until they find an opportunity to fight back against the vehicles plaguing the open field. For CTF, you have to fight across the catwalks to the enemy flag, then proceed to navigate the installation and find a way to travers the open field to your team's capture node. Sounds easy, enough, right? I hope you enjoy my map. Please, be critical about balance if you can, but I wish not to remove too many weapons, but I'd remove some if the results are glaring. I mostly would like suggestions on whether or not the wraiths get pwned so hard and fast that I ought to reduce their respawn timer from 180s to 150, and same with the tank. So many heavy weapons are here to counter the vehicles, and the vehicles are here to slaughter the footsoldiers. I want to find the best balance to this idealistic gameplay, but I need your play experience and feedback. Thanks, and enjoy!
Some pictures would be nice. I think they're required. Just going based on what you said (because almost noone else can fill a sixteen player game either, though I'd imagine there are more here who can than the average, but yeah sixteen player maps are probably going to be almost completely ignored since it'd be such a pain to keep that many people in a server with no way to get randoms like, I dunno, one of those fancy decade old server browser thingies lol) here. The vehicles are already easy to kill. There is no need to include a plethora of lock-on anti vehicular weapons. If anything I'd say one rocket or plasma launcher, probably spawning near the start of the map and in the middle, with decent ammo. Pretty much every shot on those things is a free kill. If you want to make it a bit harder for the vehicles to just stomp the infantry then include plentiful plasma pistol, plasma nade, human grenade launchers (because no lockon, takes a bit more skill) and turrets. The first ones take care of the ground vehicles and the turrets eliminate banshees like they were paper airplanes.
I updated it a bit here and there, so the url for download is probably bugged by now. I deleted the old version and uploaded an updated version with less heavy weapons. : Reach : Player File Share Viewing my fileshare might be the best bet on getting my most updated map. Added after 1 13 minutes: YouTube - Quarry Wars, by ManBearPig916 Here is a video I took in forge. It's as much information about my map as I could bring to you in 4 minutes and 30 seconds
I downloaded it to see whats its like(because of no pics) and you did a good job. The structure that stood out the most was the one overhanging the cliff. That curved ramp thing you did is actually a good idea! The floors are bi-levelled and I liked that. Good gun placement, too.
I added modifications to the map, including removing 2 of the 5 vehicle stopping weapons and placing a sword in one of those weapons' place. I also added the corrugated cover to the ramp open to fire from the field. Thus, one team has the advantage of their tower ramp facing away from the action, while the other has the advantage of being able to use the newfound cover to some unforseen advantages. If need be, I could cover the exposed ramp even more if there is abuse in a sort of spawn camping that camping that ramp could portray. Now, I like the added cover because it looks a lot nicer than any other solution I could think of at the moment. Oh, and how do I post giant images like you guys are doing in your posts?