Hey guys! So this is a game my friend made on Sandtrap for halo 3. I tweaked it a bit and then we had tons of fun with it with our friends. So I figured I would try to re-make it on Reach to the best of my abilities and share it with others. So without further ado: Grab some weapons and get a blastin for some good zombie killing fun. Take refuge in the fortresses. Or not. Be careful though, because the zombie could drop in at any time! So yeah, have fun with it... or not. Whichever you feel like. Side notes: I gave the zombies sprint and the humans roll ( just to switch it up and make it unique) if this is a big problem then I can (and probably will) change it. If there is some "bug" (a glitched spot, or a place one can camp and not be killed until out of ammo) tell me please. Also: The zombie count is SUPPOSED to be around 25% of the people playing but I couldn't find a setting for it. So I guess you'll just have to set it manually for the amount playing. If I can set it for percent then please tell me how. Thanks!
Hey bro nice looking map and i like the idea Maybe you could upload another picture or to? and also i waz thinking maybe it could do with a few more structures, you know just to fil up some of the space and give the zombies a bit of a chance other than that awesome looking map!
Thanks! I'm not sure how to add more buildings to it without taking either my nostalgia or the simplicity of it. Could look into it though. I don't suppose you've tried it with your friends / a group of people yet to see how it plays?