As promised, I give you Vindication, my latest Halo: Reach map. Vindication is inspired by such Halo classics as Lockout and Ascension, although you'll immediately notice that this map is much larger than either of its spiritual predecessors. This is an entirely new and different map, not a remake. Gameplay is fast-paced, as this map is fairly open and several of the walkways/bridges leave you vulnerable to DMR fire; more conservative "team players" will probably fare better than run-and-gun lone wolves. I like to call this map semi-symmetrical, because while each of the four sides of the map are quite different, they're balanced in such a way as to encourage 2 (or even 4) team gameplay. Objective games could be quite fun. Power weapons on the map include a sniper rifle, rocket launcher, shotgun and energy sword, but the map is more than large enough to handle them all. Full weapon list: DMR x 5 Needle Rifle x 2 Magnum x 2 Plasma Repeater x 2 Concussion Rifle x 1 Grenade Launcher x 1 Needler x 1 Shotgun x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Sniper Rifle x 1 Rocket Launcher x 1 Plasma Grenade x4 If you liked Lockout / Blackout and Ascension / Pinnacle or even Guardian, check this out. And please, please, please, let me know what you think. My last map (Ore) received some very helpful feedback and even made it to Bungie's Most Recommended maps list, largely thanks to your help. I'm very open to constructive criticism. With that, I give you pictures: Right side of "red" base Right side of "blue" base Left side of "blue" base, looking down a bit Left side of "red" base Top part of "blue" base with window to balance Sniper tower (opposite side) Overview of entire map (yes, it's big) Link in case you missed it: Download Map
Ok here's what I think and you don't have to take my advice if you don't want to but your bridges are to long. People don't like to be stuck on a linear path for that long. So if you shorten those up then this is a pretty solid map. Also how many health packs are on this map?
Bridges look fine in my opinion. He shouldn't care what players like, I honestly could care less about being on a linear path. What's important is that the game-play is fun, exciting, and it works well. I made a map in the water that was a very open, with lots of worked fine, no-one cared that there were linear paths. Just my input.
looks very interesting. I liked ascension more than lockout because lockout seemed much more boring and more of walkways and passages, without a centralized fight area. This looks much better because it will bring more intense fights, not just walkway battles. Despite being a fairly simple map, I think this will be a lot of fun, same with ore.
I really appreciate your feedback. To be honest, this was my main concern while making the map, but I eventually concluded that because you can get basically anywhere on the map without using the walkways (i.e. going through the middle, where there's more cover but less opportunity to out-flank your enemies), it wasn't a critical issue. If you get a chance to play it and still feel this way, let me know. Also, there are four health packs. I think I need to reduce this to two. Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. This may not be the most original map I've ever created, but I think it's a blast to play.
Its a good map. Theres no denying that. Its pleasing to look at and its pretty fun. I have one problem though. There are a large amount of long bridges (Which are fine), but those bridges are subject to rapeage via openess. Just my view though.
Hiya! Always wanted a map like this and I do like it, good use of parts, anyways, just thought I'd point out that your canvas is Forgeworld, not boardwalk, a canvas map is a map which one builds upon, not based upon, no biggie just thought I'd let you know, happy forging
Happy conscript, why should he not care what the players like? He built a map, and posted it im the COMPETITIVE map section. That means it's built to be played on. If you don't consider gameplay then what's the point of a competitive map? I personally agree that the paths are too long. Say a guy across the map starts shooting you with a DMR. You have nowhere to go. You're pretty much screwed if you go onto the bridge. Also it doesn't seem as though there is adeqeuate cover on the map either. Just some things to consider.
^agreed, those bridges would be fine if there was adequate cover on them, hell, if the mood strikes you you could build small buildings halfway through the longer bridges, y'know, break it up a little...