This thread is about those annoying little insects that ruin our daily lives by poking us with needles. Yes you guessed it im talking about little kids like orangeremi. No really i mean the insects. Today i got bitten by what i like to call "The First Mosquito of the Summer." I take that back, i dont like to call it that, simply because it means 5 whole months of fear when im outside. Im some what of a prize to these so called pests, there always going after me. If im outside with people, no one gets bitten, oh, but I do, I get bitten multiple times. As a young kid, I spent many summers in fear of Mosquitoes, I seem to have some sort allergic reaction to mosquitoes, that when after the swelling stops, i get scars from where they bit me, My Legs are terribly covered in mosquito bite scars over the years. Oh how i dread these little F*ckers. Annoying, Itchy, Swelling, disease carrying pests. Anyways i always wondered what caused me to itch, and swell by the little pests, so i googled, just now. Pretty interesting huh?
stupid video is stupid................ When i get off work tommrow someone remind me to buy a can of OFF.
Try going to Arkansas where there are fleas, ticks, chiggers, and mosquitoes during the summer. Now that is Hell.
Ugh, I loathe chiggers and least the mosquitoes stab you, those friggin' pests take chunks of your skin with them when they bite. Try being allergic to Mosquitoes. Half the time when I'm bitten the bite puffs up like a balloon.
You can make them explode by flexing while they suck your blood. The tense muscle makes it too hard for the mosquito to pull out, and it keeps sucking until it explodes. Revenge is that easy. =)
^ Unnecessary Also, I lived in Arkanasas, and GEORGIA, lived right next to abig forest and a lake near by...try that on Mike!
^ Don't know about you, but personally I hate those things and killing them is absolutely neccessary when you see one of those buggers on your arm sucking your own blood.
I live in an area covered with chiggers, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and hay flies. I've never really been bitten to terribly much by any. There was one summer when I fell asleep outside. Chiggers had a hay day...bastards.
Why? Yeah, let me flex so I can A. Kill the mosquito and B. Make it easier to contract a disease from it by allowing it more access to my bloodstream. Yay!
Man my topest fears are 1. Needles and 2. Mosquitos, every year when i used to go to mexico for vacation, A crap load of Mosquitos used to come out at night and attach to my legs and arms if i stood still. I have the nastiest fobia for those little suckers. everynight even tough it was like 98 degrees in my room id sleep with sheets covered from head to toe cause a little ****en mosquito would zzzzzzZZZZZeeeeeEEEEE over my ear. so fricken annoying, and sometimes here a random giant Mosquito will waltz into my room and fly around, and me having a deep fear of those things have to kill it or else i wont be able to go to bed knowing its alive. so yeah, i kinda feel your pain penguin.
In New Hampshire we have an abundance of mosquitos which aren't so bad as long as you stay in the sun. Blackflies swarm in the sun or shade, but they only last a month or so. We have little tiny biting flies that we appropriately call no-seeums because you generally don't see them. They're actually called biting midges. They pack a nasty little punch. But my most hated blood sucking creatures are the horse fly and deer fly. Go out anywhere in the woods during the summer and these things swarm. I have been on my ATV doing 20 MPH on a back trail and these things don't have any problem keeping up with me. Repellants aren't very effective either. Worst of all though... they hurt like hell when they bite. Here is an actual quote from the Wikipedia: "Unlike insects which surreptitiously puncture the skin with needle-like organs, horse flies have mandibles like tiny serrated scimitars, which they use to rip and/or slice flesh apart. This causes the blood to seep out as the horsefly licks it up. They may even carve a chunk completely out of the victim, to be digested at its leisure." Fear the Horse and Deer Flies!