There is 2 remakes (Ill show the old ones to compare to the new ones) of a series i did on halo 3 called (Super Smash Bros) well i think iv come along way and that iv gotten much better at forging and im going to bring back the series. but it didn't really have a super smash bros feeling so i changed the series to Elthric Warzone Here's the pix - just need to know if i'm doing good or bad or what i need to work on 1St - The Water Dojo (Remake) Classic Map New Map INFO - alright the classic map is called the fire dojo and the concept for that one is that it was a dojo on fire with vehicles exploding in the back ground and now the remake is the water dojo 2Nd - The Sewers Of Lec (Remake) Classic Map New Map INFO - basically its the same concept just remade no changes from like fire to water 3Rd map - Crashed Mine (New Map) New Map INFO - Basically this is a rough map i mean i tried my hardest to make it look like a satellite came out of orbit and crashed into this abandoned mine and yeah thats basically it
Hello, Water Dojo: The asthetics of this map are good, abeit a little cluttered from initial impressions. The map also appears on the small side. I would have a think about how you would like the map to be played and perhaps increase its scope by adding more floors/alternate routes etc... Sewers of Lec: I like what you have created here, the asthetics are good again however I that this map too is a little cluttered. The size of this map is fine, but as I mentioned on the previous map add in some alternate routes, perhaps catwalks over the oversheild area.... It just gives the player more options. Satellite crash: Theres alot going on here and I cant get a grasp of how this would play, please add more pictures. With regards to the alternate routes and cluttering, have a look at some of the maps bungie have created. Halo is a fast flowing game and as such the maps are usually free of clutter with functional scenery. Your maps are looking good but need some work, have a good think about how you want them to play. I have linked something in from which may help with the designing of your maps. http://
I really like the Water Dojo, but I think you could expand the map a LOT. That area in the picture I think should be about 1/4 of the map. It could be one side of an asymmetrical map, or maybe one of the bases in a symmetrical map. OR you could build a base off to the left, and a base off the the right, and some more connecting structure out into the water a little more, and the dojo could be the center structure. Good Looking stuff, just seems a little small and incomplete. Keep at it.
Floating teleporters in the middle of the map: Bad Teleporters on a small map: Bad Cover in lower areas: Lacking Benefits of high ground: Excessive Dead ends: one is too many Intersecting pathways: Lacking Turrets overlooking most of the map: Bad Paths to reach high ground: Lacking If you fix these minor problems, the maps look good.
the teleporter takes you to the power ups out of the map and also there arena type maps anyways for more info -