"Time to get your feet wet......." Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to introduce Hydrophobia, my second Reach map. After finding that you could in fact stand and live under the water, I immediately set out to make a map that included this as a big part of it......as apparently as I am learning, so did everyone and their sibling. But not to fear, this is a Paragon Fury creation. One made with my heart, and a bit of my soul too, due to all the set backs I had while making this. But none the less, here it is, and ready for all your Reach enjoyment. Made for FFA, RvB and Multi-Team, Hydrophobia is compatible with nearly every gametype. And lets hope you like the water, because you'll spending a lot of time in it, because those with Jetpacks have to get into the wet stuff to get across. SPECIAL NOTE: Due to the way water works in Reach, any objective that touches the water while not being held by a player is instantly reset. What does this mean? Any bomb, skull or flag that touches the water is gone, and so is all your work. This forces you to think of new ways to get things done, since you can't drop objectives without losing them. Items on Map: - DMR x3 - Needle Rifle x2 - Concussion Rifle x1 - Sniper Rifle x2 - Plasma Repeater x2 - Plasma Pistol x2 - Magnum x2 - Assault Rifle x 2 - Frag Grenades - Plasma Grenades - Health Kit x2 Map Overview Center Bridge Overview of Blue Side SPARTAN in the Water
Its a creative concept.. I suppose it depends on how well the visibility underwater is. The way being underwater resets all skulls, bombs etc is a nice find, i can see some other gametypes spinning off from that.