Kill Ball + Pinnacle Piece = Stop

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tycho, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Seriously forgers, that crap is getting old. Where did all the creativity go? You and your kill ball + Pinnacle piece (thing that's suppose to spin) is getting overused...I see it on every other map, nor does it even look cool and was a stale idea to begin with.

    Good day.

    #1 Tycho, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    For starters i don't even know what your talking about, and also i haven't really seen killballs used at all.
  3. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    ... Do i really need to post more?
  4. WaxyPumpkin72

    WaxyPumpkin72 Ancient
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    Is it affecting the way you play the game in a bad way? I mean honestly, unless its hurting your eyes to look at, or screwing with gameplay, quit whining.
  5. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    Honestly, i agree with Tycho. The thing is bland, uninteresting, and hardly fits into any map, be it sattelite antenna or support beam or containment, it's thin structure doesn't really aid many maps, and the angular slopes don't even accent the Ball inside. Aside from all that, to me it just screams "I like kill balls, so ima put one in my map" instead of it serving any decent purpose.
  6. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    i haven't seen any of theses maps, but it doesn't really worry me at all, it doesen't affect gameplay at all.

    Who ever the creators are on these maps, they obviously wanted to put it there. so stop complaining.
    #6 Combat P3nguin, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  7. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Way to quote a huge colum of pictures D=
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Just to annoy the OP we should put that in ALL our maps... :p
  9. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    it reminds me of spiderman 2


    just let people do what they want in their maps, you do what you want in yours.
  10. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Just for the record, I have only used those Ascension spires on one of my maps, which were more decoration that anything and I ended up removing them because they looked out of place.

    Give it some time and everyone will move on to some other new feature which is easy to Forge (something like teleporter frame links, I've seen a few of those)
  11. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Why are you complaining about kill balls? It doesn't make the map play badly, unless you have a turtle beach then you can here the annoy fizzing all over the map (i don't know if its in Reach).

    Most maps just have a kill ball in them to say, "I have a kill ball, screw you guys"

    On picture 2 in the huge column though the kill ball compliments the structure it is in greatly, meaning you couldn't have one without the other.
  12. Darkastic

    Darkastic Ancient
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    I hate to do this to all the nay sayers but I whole-hartedly agree with OP.
    I was either about to post this same gripe or about to slander on some people that did it.
  13. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    How about we just all agree to stop posting maps that contain no evidence of planning or original thought? I understand that building bad maps is how people learn, but just taking stupid **** like the pinnacle thing + kill ball and sticking it in your maps to look cool is not going to cut it.
  14. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I'm not complaining about the kill ball, I'm complaining about lack of creativity and originality. But anyway.
  15. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    Damn, there goes my idea for a map made entirely of kill balls and pinnacle pieces.

    Just kidding.

    Expect cliche's like this to develop. The kill ball + pinnacle pieces thing will eventually be replaced by another cliche', which will eventually be replaced by another.

    Guessing by the sales numbers, Halo: Reach has sold a few million copies. That's a LOT of people. Assuming about 10% of them are actively Forging, that's still probably over 200,000 people.

    Suppose we plot Forging ability on a typical bell curve:

    0.2% Extremely Below Average

    2.2% Far Below Average

    13.6% Below Average

    34% Average to Slightly Below Average

    34% Average to Slightly Above Average

    13.6% Above Average

    2.2% Far Above Average

    0.2% Extremely Above Average

    Consider the majority of Forgers are not professional game designers, so the standard for what counts as "average" is well below the standard for the professionally designed maps that ship with the game. The people working in the industry are to the extreme right of the bell curve in the Far or Extremely Above Average range.

    Out of the 200,000 or so that are actively forging, you've got about 80%, or 160,000 that are creating average or below average maps. A lot of these people are going to have average to below average creativity which means you'll see a LOT more imitation than innovation.

    Since the percentage of Forgers who are Far to Extremely Above Average are much, much lower than the ones that are average and below, you're not going to see as much innovation. Whenever you do see innovation from them it will very quickly be imitated by the much larger number of average to below average forgers.

    To make matters worse, the already small minority of above average Forgers are more likely to have a longer development time for their maps because they have higher standards for their own work and will spend a lot of time testing and revising, while the huge majority of average to below average Forgers are more likely to just rush things out because they have lower standards and less appreciation for or understanding of the need to test, revise, test, revise, until a map is really ready to be released.

    So get used to the kill ball + pinnacle piece for a while. Expect to have to get used to another Forge cliche' after that. In general, get used to sifting through hundreds of turds to find the rare diamond.

    Fortunately, there are places like this that help people learn to develop diamonds instead of turds, but I have a feeling most of the people who seek these kind of forums out are already on the high end of the bell curve.
  16. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I was going to laugh at the OP and say he's being ridiculous. Then I remembered I am guilty as well.

    Point taken, OP. Point taken.
  17. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    lulz the 2nd one is mah map xd and + mine serves a perpus its the core of the elites witch gives power to there home base duh!
    #17 Dai Tou Zai, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  18. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Check out my sweet new map!

  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    That is a very expensive aesthetic piece.
    100$ a pop. No thanks.

    On another note, the title of this thread makes little sense.

    You are essentially stating 2 + 2 = verb.

    Pinnacle piece + Kill Ball = STOP sounds like you came up with a way to create a stop sign aesthetic piece which IMO would have been a lot more interesting than this back and forth *****-fest.

    Yes I'm a mathematics ****.
    sue me.
    #19 Organite, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  20. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    i love it very original and unique. great job buddy.

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