Remake Terminal 777

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MrCheesy, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Terminal 777 [v5]

    Terminal 777 [v5] will probably be the last update.
    # Fixed more z-fighting.
    # Fixed up the spawns so when you're playing team games the enemy won't spawn in your base.
    # Removed neutral starting points (Terminal 777 [v5] only supports red vs blue team games, FFA and Infection. No multi-teams, sorry :[)
    # Aesthetics have changed somewhat.
    # Now supports Headhunter and Neutral Flag.
    # A bridge now spawns in Infection so it's possible to get to the red's spawn area (the place where the humans start out). This is to prevent camping up there :O
    # The flag, when playing a territories gametype, will no longer de-rail the 'train'.
    # The 'generator' that allows access to the first floor of the car-park is no longer movable.

    Hello, and welcome to Terminal 777. This map is a re-make of the classic Halo 2 map Terminal. The weapon placement is true to the original, and so is their spawn times. However, since this is Halo: Reach and not Halo 2 I've had to swap the SMG to the Assault Rifle, the Covenant Carbine to the Needle Rifle and the Battle Rifle to the DMR.
    A fiery kill ball-train rushes through the terminal at set intervals. Get in it's way and suffer an agonizing and humiliating death. It has no mercy so if you know what's good for you you'd best stay out of it's way!
    Originally I wanted two kill ball-trains much like the original but the budget limit only allowed one :[
    One works as good as two though :p

    Weapons on map:

    Rocket Launcher
    Energy Sword
    Shotgun x2
    Plasma Pistol
    Sniper Rifle x2
    SMG (Assault Rifle) x2
    Battle Rifle (DMR) x5
    Plasma Rifle x4
    Frag Grenades x12
    Plasma Grenades x14
    Covenant Carbine (Needle Rifle) x2
    Magnum x2
    Mounted Machinegun x2

    Powerups on map:

    Health packs x3

    Vehicles on map:

    Warthog (Gauss)
    Ghost x2
    kill ball-train (!)

    Pictures of the map:

    Offensive side of the map (Oh, and the kill ball-train rolling along :D)

    Offensive base

    Inside the offensive base (You get a free Cheesy)

    Defensive side of the map

    Defensive base

    Inside the defensive base

    Defensive base's shotgun spawn

    Inside the terminal. Oh Cheesy, don't you learn? Nothing can outrun the kill ball-train.

    Overshields spawn (No longer floating)

    Sword spawn (The sword no longer floats either :[)

    Trying to take the kill ball-train head on now? That's just silly Cheesy -_-
    I told you it wouldn't work...

    The car-park

    The 'rocket booth' and the first level of the car-park

    Second level of the car-park.

    The bridge (only spawns in the Infection gametype)



    Hope you guys enjoy the map! I certainly had fun making it and playing some One Bomb Assault on it (highly recommend playing one bomb on this map, it's a blast :D) ^_^

    Closing notes:

    * The map does lag if you're in forge or if you have more than 1 person signed in on the same console, but if it's just you on the console and you're playing a custom game, whether it be by yourself or with 15 other people connected via XBL it will not lag.

    * It seems I'm not allowed to place any more items at all (even though I still have money left). Would've loved to add support for more teams and gametypes but I've reached the limit of items allowed on the map. I can't add anything else in :[

    * Download the map and have some fun customs! That's an order soldier! >:]
    #1 MrCheesy, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  2. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    u should instead of kill balls make it a soft kill zone and also btw that floating sword for some reason in reach any "fixed" weapons when switched out float in the air besides that th remake is pretty good not many people attempt this map so its very good
  3. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Soft kill zones are no fun :[
    Trying to out run a giant kill ball is soo much better IMO :D

    And yea, I know fixed weapons glitch up but that was the only way to make the sword float above the rails. If I put it on the rails it would de-rail the kill ball-train >_>
    So I'm just going to leave it how it is for now.
  4. El Loco Cubano

    El Loco Cubano Forerunner

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    I can't get over the "train" it's so great. Completely overshadows the rest of the map, which is also pretty damned good, awesome remake =D
  5. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    Nice looking map bro!
    You've made a mean detailed remake of Terminal!
    The kill ball idea is so much better than a soft kill zone, your right, wheres the fun in that?

    nice map 5/5 :D
  6. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    Holy balls this is amazing! I LOVE the "train" lol and this was always my favorite map on Halo 2. Amazing job man 12/5
  7. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
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    I agree, map looks great I will put it on my list of remakes to try this weekend.

    I don't know what that other guy is talking about, soft kill volume...pfft. How could that ever replace the train on terminal, that's not exciting in the least!
  8. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Wait...You mean to tell me that the train is a killball???

    I actually tried to remake this map in halo 3, so I'll tell you what I tried (just to make it look a bit more "classic.") I set man cannons beneath a track, deep enough that they would not affect players, but only everything else. Then I had a warthog glide across the track flawlessly to the other side, where a kill ball awaited.

    Depending on how you made the kill ball move, wouldn't a warthog or something work just as well? The only other thing I could think of was to make a line of soccer balls be the train
  9. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I was very impressed by this map. Not only did you manage to capture Terminal very well, but you also made it your win using the utterly terrifying kill ball train. I instantly recognised every area, and I felt the Car Park in particular was fantastic.

    To map downloaders: the kill ball can kill you on the platform above, so avoid it. XD
  10. Aramis

    Aramis Forerunner

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    I was hoping for someone to make a remake of this map and this seems very cool to me.
    And that Kill Ball as train is cool.. Soft Kill area wouldn't drive the same cause as you couldn't get "accidentaly" run over by it :D DL'd
  11. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks great. I especially love the way you used the teleporter platforms and the killball as the train. Very creative! You've outdone yourself sir.
  12. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. Does the kill ball actually move along the track??? That's so clever! I love it.

    You got a definite Dl from me, I'll try it out later and give you some actual feedback.
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    This map is extremely accurate from what I can remember. The proportions seem to be correct and what you did for the train was very creative. There are only two things I noticed that were disappointing.

    1. If I remember correctly, the train track curved towards the end. In your version it's a straight line. But I'm sure if you made it curve than the kill ball would fall off the track so it's not that big a deal. However, if you can get it to stay on then I would update it.

    2. There was A LOT of Z-Fighting which can be distracting and annoying. This is an easy fix, just got to all the spots with Z-Fighting and raise one of the pieces just a few centimeters above the other one. Trust me its worth it, and plus, Halo Reach's physics help out a ton when walking over a bump. In Halo 3 if you walked over the smallest bump you would "hop", but in Reach it takes a pretty big bump to make you "hop".
  14. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Thanks for the nice comments guys :]
    The idea of using a kill ball as a train isn't actually mine though, it came from a nice guy I met on XBL. So, thanks nice guy :D

    I've only got one man-cannon and I can't afford anymore. So, using a warthog or any other vehicle is out of the question; besides someone might hijack the 'train' O_O
    Tried using soccer and golf balls but the one man cannon I have just isn't enough to propel them to the end of the track. Kill balls seem to be good at keeping momentum :/

    It can't be helped due to the immense size of the kill ball xD
    It is possible to jump over it from the top platform though :p

    The train did indeed curve towards the end in the original. I'll try curving it and see how the kill ball-train reacts to it. Not sure if I have enough rail pieces to do it though.
    Will be fixing up the z-fighting as well as improving the map overall. I think I need to work on the offensive base a bit more to make it more aesthetically pleasing. I also plan on adding in the booth for the rocket spawn and the generator so you can jump from the ground to the car-park. I also forgot to add in one of the carbines (needle rifles).
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    You really should change the sword to not be fixed. I hear the flag stand works basically the same way as a weapon holder. You should look into that.

    Also, the framerate sucks, though, do to the large amount of items on the map. One thing you could do is replace all the teleporter frames you have bordering the carpark with struts. That would eliminate several items and would probably help a bit with the framerate. Those tele frames don't look all that great anyway to be honest. Then, maybe you could add the little rocket hutch on the bottom level of the carpark with the extra money. You could probably do it with just a single piece if you phased one of the buildings really far into the wall and ground. Maybe the Tower, 2 Story. I dunno. But it could be done one way or another.

    I just wrote a whole load of negative stuff, but its only cause I really want this map to be the best it can be, cause its pretty good so far. You did a great job, and the killball/train is SUPER creative and awesome. I hope you take my suggestions to heart and come out with a v2! Keep up the good work :)
  16. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    All negative feedback is appreciated (as long as it's constructive). So, thanks :]
    If you're in forge the map does indeed suffer from framerate issues at specific places, but if you're actually playing a custom game framerate problems are non-existant (at least I haven't encountered any).
    Still, I'll probably change the teleporter frames to struts and I'm defiantly adding in the booth for the rockets (in fact I've already done that :D). Didn't use a building to do it though. They're too costly and I felt it looked kinda bad.
    Will look into using a stand for the sword holder as I really do hate weapons being fixed. I had to do it though to stop the kill ball-train from de-railing xD

    Added after 9 Hours 23 minutes:

    I've basically done updating my map and the only thing left to do is fix this z-fighting. Got a bit of a problem though. How do I move objects up or down 'slightly'. The only way I know of moving objects on the z-axis is by using the bumpers and 'nudging' the axis, both methods move the object way too much. Is there another way to do it? Any help would be appreciated :]
    #16 MrCheesy, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  17. IamZD

    IamZD Forerunner

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    You can move objects in extremely small increments by holding down the left thumbstick while making any movements. So to move down very slowly, hold down the left thumbstick and tap the left bumper quickly. That's the best way I've found to do it.

    However, fair warning: be aware that if you ever go into the "edit coordinates" menu while holding an object that has been "manually positioned" in this way, it will *automatically* nudge the object to the closest set of world units that it can find...always resulting in moving the object away from where you so carefully positioned it. This can be very frustrating and is why all my maps now use the built-in coordinate snapping for everything that is possible.

    Note: another way to remove Z-fighting is by making sure no 2 objects share any surface area on the same 2-dimensional plane...if that makes sense. So if you can move your objects to the left or right instead, so that they are not overlapping (or use smaller objects), this will remove the Z-fighting.

    Hope this helps and I am super excited to download and try your map. Awesome job!
  18. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Lol, I guess so. In my map, anyone who tried to hijack the "train" was either splattered or got a free one-way ticket to death.

    Also, the overshield and sword seem too high; do they derail the killball if it's any lower?

    My only other complaint is the "train" derails WAY too easily. Just parking a ghost on the tracks caused it to.
  19. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Thanks for the help man, it's appreciated ^_^

    Yes, placing the overshields or the sword any lower would de-rail the 'train' >_>
    I've uploaded 'v2' though which fixes that amongst other issues. There should now be no more z-fighting and it now supports Oddball. The 'train' still de-rails easily. Can't really fix that. If anyone has any ideas on how I could fix it I'd love to hear 'em :D
    Feedback on 'v2' would be appreciated people :]
    #19 MrCheesy, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  20. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, I don't know how you actually got the killball to do that but thats flipping awesome

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