so this is my new worthog track! as the name implies, there's a boat. after making 'hogz to slaughter' ( i figured i'd try and do something fun. when i started this project it wasn't my intention to make a hog race, just to see if i could make a big boat. the plan succeeded and as i sat on deck, i said to myself, "wow, i have a boat....i should make a hog race." so i scavenged for parts and pressed on to make a hog race. i know the track is a little rough around the edges, but money and parts were limited once i finished the boat and it turned out being quite a struggle making a map that had a couple of focal points on the boat. i did the best i could with it and tried to make a race that focused on general fun with a cpl sections requiring some degree of skill. up to 16 ppl could race on this track, bumping each other around and what not, but i think 8 would be a good fit. please keep in mind the track ended up coming 2nd after the boat so it's not quite as entertaining in a couple places as i'd like.! you start off simple on the mainland beach, going across the sandbar and continuing clockwise once you hit paradiso island. one small jump over the rocks to break up the pace a little bit. i feel the terrain leading up to the next picture acts as a decent means of natural selection as well. go high on the hill or low in the tunnel. the tunnel has a cpl shield doors to allow for a speedy entry from this side to make it a viable alternate route. the 2 paths intersect where you may choose again. the tight turn through the rock tunnel into a shorter, riskier raised bridge section, or the safer longer way around the beach continuing around the island. the 2 paths join to this elevated roadway which has a "?" shape taking you out over the water toward the boat. exiting the '?' turn leads you to a dish jump to the next section which is a roadway being bombarded by the boat. this goes up and hook left toward the bow of the boat. with a bit of luck or some nifty driving you should have enough speed to take the dish jump past the bow and land safely on the far side. if not, there is a catch-all underneath with a path leading you back on track. continuing to the other side, you find out the boat has cannons on this side bombing the roadway as well. this section is slightly harder than the previous tho, as kill balls are ever-advancing down the large hill climb leading to you section track to add to the trouble. another angle of the hill climb. there is a gap large enough for 2 hogz in between the balls if they run side-by-side, or be mean and have an up hill sumo match. either way the kill balls are always happy. at the top of the hill, take a banked 120 to start off the skill section. this leads to a small gap you jump and continue along the elevated road to the hairpin around the tree. continue your ascent past the hairpin to a small jump landing on a diagonal taking around the rock face. continuing along the track takes you near the top of the tallest spire on paradiso where you ascend a cpl spiral towers, the last of which spits you out onto the start of your descent. bomb the hill! the middle option lets brave souls land the stunt ramps on top of the boat. the sides allow for a safer landing on deck of the boat. truly unlucky individuals, who crash on deck for one reason or another, can make up time by taking the doorways through the middle of the constructs on the boat. UR ON A BOAT! only the best of the best will take the shortcut on the boat with confidence. the exit out of the gun has a very narrow margin of error. without speed or a clean jump, both off the bow and out of the gun, will land you in the catch-all once again. follow the roadway looping to the right and going underneath to water-level. following the road lands you neck deep in water, where you will jump to the next platform and take a few dishes upward in a counter-clockwise direction. these lead to the ramp jumping you over the beginning of the ?-shaped section of roadway. continue on ground level now clockwise around the island to the blue tunnel cutting through the middle of the mountain. exit the blue tunnel now going counter clockwise following the path. choose yet again. decide early b/c the angles of entry for these 2 corners are pretty different. continue up the pathway leading over blue tunnel. take the path fast to land on the far side of the rock wall. fail this jump and you'll have a much more violent landing and have to drive around. either way, go through the obstacles on the sandbar and continue to the right on the beach. the beach is a short, slalom-type run through broken, half-buried dishes leading you to a small mine field. the mine field is avoidable by taking the ramp/bridge over the wall. kill balls will be present along this section as well, assaulting you from the cliffside. the minefield exit leads you back to the start. i hope you have fun on this track. and remember, this one is meant for general fun and acts of random carnage. besides, when was the last time you were on a big, fusion-coil firing boat in reach? enjoy!
Looks good, does it require any specific gametype at all though or just standard race with hogs? Good job on the track you were very good with budget use and made a lot.
thanks for the compliment and no, i don't really build tracks with performance in mind. no it's really a hog race for your pleasure so any settings would fly as long as you have hogs. there is a mine field so you'd have to turn them on tho. Added after 2 Days 11 Hours: im fairly dismayed at a lack of any comments at all in this thread, just curious if anyone wants to offer some advice on things i could have done differently or avoided to make this map more appealing to the public? i ask this because a track isn't good if it isnt popular (this 1 is only at a hundred or so dl's so far...), and i worked a really really long time on that boat. lol