I was playing team oddball and my mate got the ball so i put down a drop shield, only it to backfire on us. YouTube - Halo Reach Drop Shield Fail Pretty big fail aye I posted a video on the thread 2 or so days ago of me with another fail if you want to check it out GO HERE.
Saw your post in the other thread I don't even know how that's possible. This game needs a patch soon.
Is that Oddball or Hot Potato? If it's Hot Potato the ball explodes if you hold it for too long. Only explanation I have for that.
It was Hot Potato but he had only had it for 3 or so seconds. After that, when i respawned it came up i betrayed who ever i killed lol
Yes it is on my file share Drop shield Fail - its just called hot potato in my fileshare though. Also in my fileshare i do also have a Assassination Fail if you want to check it out.