rendered video preview(if someone can tell me how to imbed the video here, i will): : Halo Reach : File Details remake of the halo 2 map Headlong. the video preview does not have the banshee due to the gametype being played, but the banshee and all vehicles are correctly placed, weapons are correctly placed(or replaced by their Halo: Reach successor/counterpart). this map supports most gametypes other than invasion and race. YouTube - video review of my Halo Reach Headlong remake
Sorry mate, but you need at least one embedded picture in the thread, or else it'll get locked :[ Here's a tut on how to do it if you need one:
thank you. I knew that it had to be done, i just wasn't sure how to do it. would it be too much to ask how to embed a video from youtube(or from if that's possible)? that way i can replace the video link with something embedded too.
I'm glad a lot of people are trying to get this map into Halo Reach! When I get a chance, I'm going to download it and see for myself, but I wanted to post a few things I'm concerned with: - The terrain of Headlong, especially in the pit, lends to some unique vehicle play that is tough to reconstruct using building pieces. From your screens, it looks as though you may have forgone getting the pit in favor of getting a full constructed map. - It looks a lot smaller than it should be. Like I said, I haven't downloaded it, so I'll have to check it out first hand. That's about it at the moment. I'll post up impressions when I get a chance. I can't wait to see how you built it!
the size is as close to the original as i could get(for instance, the seaside door of blue base is 2 warthog lengths toward the sea, and 3 warthog lengths parallel to the sea until you start going downhill in both games iirc). i used warthogs as units of measurement wherever possible. you're right about the terrain around the bottom though. i just did what i could to keep vehicles from going where they shouldn't be able to go while leaving foot traffic as unobstructed as possible. you still have to drive near the shotgun ramp and loop around toward the sword building to get a ghost or warthog from red base to blue base.
Checking out your video, I can see that you put a lot of effort into the construction. It's tough, working in Forge to reconstruct a well-known map. It's really hard, and you did a good job. Measuring out the lengths in Halo 2 is the best way to do it; I'm currently using the Warthog method as well to get the docking bay corner perfected so I can work on the rest of the map. The vehicle traffic part is a toughy, too. My choice of location for construction has terrain issues in allowing vehicles up on the elevated area in the docking bay corner. With proper positioning of the three barriers, though, I think I can wedge something in there to prevent a warthog from getting up in that spot. Or, it might help, I dunno yet. Uploads/Photo09302009.jpg Your video has inspired me to really work hard on my own version.
Just played a few games of Slayer with my Old buddy from H2. "Meh" We both agreed it just didn't 'feel' like Headlong. The gamplay reamins close, but it just doesn't seem nostalgic enough, unlike the Damnation and Rat Race remakes.
i forgot to do this when i created the thread and can't seem to edit it, so could a mod change the min/max players to 8-16 please?
I downloaded this before when searching for maps from Halo 2. I must say some parts I liked and some I didn't. It's like with this one map I played, it had the crane but it looked horrible. I'm not saying your map is horrible it's actually pretty good. I just don't think it's exactly a perfect remake. Don't get me wrong I would still play it.
mine doesn't have the crane at all. i didn't focus at all on aesthetics. some of the pieces i used just happen to stick out above the playable area in such a way that it looked kinda neat. you might be thinking of someone else's map. though, if you are talking about my map, and you downloaded it a while ago, bear in mind that this is an updated one with a few issues fixed. the old version did not have a proper jump across the broken bridge sections. they didn't line up correctly. there were a few other little things. that's just the biggest one.
This remake is indeed good but still requires some fixing to be done for it to become better as many above said. And btw I don't mean to become bitching or anything here but in forum rules it's forbidden to add anything to your map threads title expect the map title. So that (headlong remake) should be deleted from it, as there allrdy is that Remake tag in front of the name so I presume that any Halo fan would recognize it to be a remake of Headlong and you can put more info of the map then on the description.