This. If you have any problem with any camping issues, just control a different part of the map. And flank. Flanking is absolutely beautiful on that map.
First of all reflection just looks astounding, and second, it plays fairly well even though sword can get a tad annoying. Pinnacle is fine with me. But over all, I'm somewhat dissapointed with a few of the maps.
Haemorrhage doesn't translate very well to Reach, especially since it usually plays SWAT or Snipers, and it is absolutely shocking with those gametypes. Ivory Tower, in contrast, complements armour abilities really well. I'd go so far as to say it's the best map in Reach.
I agree with hemmorage not translating well to reach, I mean I still love it, because its such a classic for halo (although I LOVED sidewinder more, its all my friends and I used to play in Halo CE). Whats really annoying is its played alot in 4v4 snipers or SWAT, and its just too slow paced, especially SWAT, which is meant to be a fast paced game, because you simply cant shoot that accurately from a distance with the DMR, just too open for the gametype. Yeah, Ivory tower remake definitely highlights armor abilities, but I'd have to argue that boarwalk, highlights them even more, sprint for going up and down the map faster, armor lock for plama launcher/rocket, camo for shotty, jetpack for traversing the ledges faster, and hologram for the long straight hallways to send them down.
I think Sword Base utilizes them all the best. You have a fairly large map with a lot of narrow hallways, ledges, catwalks and large open spaces. There is an area for each AA to take advantage.
But Swordbase you can lock down pretty well, and stop people from progressing upwards. Atleast maps like Reflection and Asylum allow constant player movement. It's justa difference in opinion of what you like best though.
Im a bit dissapointed that we didn't get many maps from halo 1 or 2 or even 3, the map i want to see bungie add in a dlc is Last Resort it was one of the best maps and i loved playing it. anyway play infection on Asylum you can get on top of the rocks and get as many killsa as you want, they should fix that.
PSH. Zealot. Outer. Space. Its ugly. Real ugly. On topic, I think the real issue is not the remake of the maps. I think its just that they are from a different game, one that plays differently. Weapons are different, base traits are different, hell, even height and proportion to speed are different. The maps won't feel the same when you go in with the expectation that it will be exactly like Halo 2. Personally, my only issue is with Pinnacle. I was never good at that, though. Reflection isn't that bad, IMO, as long as you have some strategy when tackling the lift. I'm kind of neutral with Asylum. I constantly hang back with my active camo, sniper and shotgun, so I really can't talk much about gameplay and flow. LoS is just fine though.
hmm i forgot about that, bungie are changing that on their next update with the game, their putting a soft killzone up their.
I'm fairly certain most of you are talking about slayer for the remaked maps and as much as I'd like to sit here and go on about slayer, Reach plays extremely well for Objective. Two flag on Asylum and two flag on Hemorrhage(minus tanks) are amazing objective matches. Reflection and Asylum are great slayer maps, much like that of their predecessors. Fact is each of these maps play differently, Hemorrhage favors long range combat for most of the map, while allowing players to get up front and personal in the caves and bases. Snipers, DMR's, and Vehicles will rain king on this map, duh! Reflection makes players gravitate to the upper tier making all of the power weapons high priority areas. Without map control, teams will flip-flop in terms of power weapons and the upper tiers. The same thing that we see on Hemorrhage is the same thing we see on Asylum, mixed combat varying from long range to close quarters combat. Obviously the map is way more open, but their are many areas where short range will outmatch long-range. Now with all of this being said, we each have different playstyles and each remake plays on a different set up skills. Obviously if you face a good team, they're going to have map control and rock your world. Then, you're going to complain about the said map cause you got wooped. I think why most map creators fail at making maps is because as a community, as a whole, we focus on making our maps the best. Which means if someone tells you someone can camp in the corner, you're going to iron out the problem. If someone tells you your middle is too open, you're going to add cover. But do you add an area that will make players gravitate towards because of power weapon placement and high player concentration? No, because majority of people think of these things as cheap.
I guess it's never been stated by anyone on this thread, but, why does everyone want a lot of remakes of OLD maps anyways? It is a new game anyways, shouldn't you want new structures and new maps? I mean a few maps are awesome classics like gulch, zanzibar, and lockout, but really I want more new maps than old. Although many of the Halo CE maps would translate great into Reach, because it is the closest game in comparison, heck, if you build your map right, it feels exactly like Halo CE with updated graphics. And really, not many Halo CE maps were remade with forge in Halo 3. Too much has changed from 2 and 3 to have it feel that way.
My thoughts purely. If anyone's noticed, every map in Reach is significantly larger in Reach to accustom sprint, jetpack, so on. You'll even see this pattern in custom maps. That may be the issue with Pinnacle, I feel like it's actually become a tad bit smaller instead of becoming larger. There's other weird things like how you take fall damage from the lift now, so on so on. As for Ivory Tower (Reflection) I don't think there's anything new to state. It has its ups and downs; most likely an issue with the power weapons on the map, it'd definitely be better off without the sword.
Reflection is the best god damned map in Reach. The H2 remakes are mostly around the middle tier. Hemmy is perfectly playable if you ask me. I suspect it'll suddenly become a lot more fun without the scorpions though. Pinnacle feels cramped and smaller than it ought to but it's definitely not half bad, and Asylum is just boring as ****. However, no on-disc map I've ever played in any Halo game offends me as much as The Cage. I would gladly pay Bungie a large sum of money to remove that godawful piece of **** from matchmaking permenantly.
I love Reflection. It plays Slayer extremely well. I can't comment on objective, i've only played Slayer on it. Asylum is quite good too. It plays Slayer and Objective quite well. The only problem I have is a couple of hiding/camping spots around the map. I hate Pinnacle with a passion. It is terrible. In Slayer, one team will camp with both snipers, the rockets and the shotty. In objective, the defending team will just camp in the tower and the attacking is forced to just spam grenades into it.
I love the maps so far, apart from Bungies terrible attempts to Forge (the cage and paradiso) we just need more maps! There are only 2 real invasion maps (Boneyard Spire) and 2 BTB maps (paradiso and hemorrhage) so we have to play BTB Slayer on boneyard, where blue team only gets 1 spawn point, not fun at all especially in SWAT (but SWAT sucks anyway)
Here's my thoughts: Hemorrhage: Anyone who's ever played H1 PC can attest to how much spawn-camping there is. If a team can load up a Warthog with 2 people and steal the opposing Scorpion, they can circle the enemy base in an endless spawn-camp fest. I think the real issue with Hemorrhage as opposed to BG is that Hemorrhage lacks a solid tank counter. With Blood Gulch, a quick teleport and a 30-second stroll to the center of the map would net you the rocket launcher and the ability to kill an opposing tank/Warthog. In Hemmorhage, the rocket is missing, replaced with the shitty plasma launcher, which doesn't do **** against a Scorpion and takes far too long to fire. In my own opinion, the Spartan Laser would probably be best there, as it can take out the vehicles as adeptly as Halo 1 (oh, Halo 1 and your indestructible vehicles). Be glad the Banshees have been removed. Oh, god, the spawn camping with those things. It was horrible. Reflection: Reflection seems like a pretty accurate remake. There are a ton of entrances to every spot on the map, so a quick flank can destroy any camper. I agree to the sword problem, but the same thing was a problem in Halo 2 (a WORSE problem, at that). Asylum: Asylum really is its own monster now. It feels as if there should be more cover from snipers, because the map is far too open now. This could also be attributed to snipers with jetpacks, as they can get on top of the bases to snipe and thus see the entire map. Pinnacle: Pinnacle suffers from the same problems it did in Halo 2. I feel people are looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, as most of the problems people are discussing have always been there, it's just that armor abilities exaggerate them tremendously. Countdown: Not a bad map, IMO. Boardwalk: Shitty map. Paradiso: Shitty map (SWAT is especially shitty). The Cage: Not bad, but not good, either. Spire: Pretty good map, overall. No real complaints, other than the fact the "Spire" part feels a bit unnecessary outside of Invasion. Boneyard: No real complaints, other than Blue team's pitiful spawns. Sword Base: Seems pretty balanced, to me. The beta helped this map tremendously. Powerhouse: I haven't played much of this map outside of FFA, but it seems to work well there.