Looking for co-forger(s) for a remake project.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lippy, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Actually, remake might be a bit of a stretch. Spiritual successor fits a little better.

    The map in question is District, one of those obscure Halo 2 Vista maps that I think maybe ten people have ever actually played. I'm looking to build an urban map with similar structures like the parking garage, undergroud levels, bridges and whatnot. I kinda doubt the full map would be able to be remade 100% accurately (I might be wrong), so I'm looking for creative forgers to help me out.

    Here's a quick runthrough:
    YouTube - Halo 2 Vista Map District Walkthrew

    If you're interested, leave a post here or send me a message over Live.
  2. Skorpius47

    Skorpius47 Ancient
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    I've always been interested in that map. I love the urban maps from Halo 2, and District looked like it'd have been a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I don't have Halo 2 Vista, and haven't been able to see the map for myself, and thus I wouldn't be able to help out in the creation of the map itself. For playtesting purposes, though, I could offer an extra body for gametypes. Or even an extra mind to bounce ideas and problems off of.

    In the end, I fully support this project if you're able to get it off the ground.
  3. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    It is like a combo of Headlong, Turf, and Terminal right?

    Count me in!
  4. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    You might say it like that. The video I posted seems to skip a few areas but it definitely looks most like an expanded version of Turf.

    Added after 11 Days 21 Hours:

    Hey guys (.. all two of you), if you were curious about my plans for this project, I'm starting to plan things out now. Basically the idea now is to combine ideas from all the old urban maps (Headlong, District, Turf, Longshore) along with a few original ideas into one ridiculously kickass map.

    I'm drawing up plans as we speak, will post ASAP.
    #4 Lippy, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010

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