Greetings/Making a rock slide in Reach

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ExampleONE, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. ExampleONE

    ExampleONE Forerunner

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    Hi guys new forger here but have been loving Halo since CE.

    I have been working on an invasion map that I hope to post here within the week but I can't figure out how to trigger rocks to fall after a certain phase in the game. I tried placing an invasion gate and having it disappear after the second phase but the rocks just stood there. I also don't want to make them spawn at the beginning of the 3rd phase.

    Anyway I look forward to hearing your ideas. I can't believe the amount of creativity on this forum. I hope to get to try some of your maps out soon and hopefully find some forge buddies.

  2. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    To make them actually fall down, you need to use movable objects, such as crates, street cones or similar. All other objects will stay put. Remember, making the PHYSICS to NORMAL on an immovable object does not make them movable, they make the physics work just like in Halo 3.
  3. ExampleONE

    ExampleONE Forerunner

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    So you're saying that rocks are immovable? That is disappointing because I thought just setting it to normal physics and having a gate that was holding them back disappear would let them fall. I guess I gotta find a new object.

    Thanks for the quick response.
  4. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    Well, if the players have to see the rocks fall, I've got no help. But if they don't need to see them move, I would do this.

    Set the original position of the rocks as if they were gates, to disappear the phase they are supposed to 'slide'.

    Duplicate the rocks in the position they would end up in, set them as if they were weapons/vehicles to spawn in for whatever phase. Set respawn of one second.

    This will give you the before and after of the slide, but not the slide itself.
  5. GodCent

    GodCent Forerunner

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    Ursus's suggestion is probably your best bet OP. I managed to pull off a "rock slide" by rapidly changing rocks suspended in the air from fixed to normal. The effect worked however the frame rate became unplayable for about 6-10 seconds until the rocks all settled. So its probably for the best that this isn't possible.
  6. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    you couldnt do that in customs anyways, once the rocks settle than they are settled for good, they dont move in customs.

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