Speed Element : 2 :

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by TympanicMetal, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ::::::::::SPEED ELEMENT 2::::::::::


    YES! It's hasn't even been that long for my first Speed Element to be out, but i already created Speed Element 2.
    For everyone that enjoyed the fist one, you will definitely enjoy this one.

    So my idea was to, as usual, incorporate a lot of nature and have a wide enough track for at least 16 people! It all worked out perfectly and i also worked out the flaws in the first map where people would spawn through a vehicle teleporter facing the wrong direction(when rarely that was the case)

    Also: Keep in mind, that this is a COMPLETELY new map, and not an edit on my original (Some people got confused by the name of my map: Speed Element 2.0)(The 2.0 on the end of it :p)

    Map info:

    This map has been made with in mind:
    - Metal and Nature combined.
    - Smooth track.
    - A real eye-candy.
    - Easy to ride, difficult to master.
    (The current lap time record: 1:53)(An average of 2:20 on the first run)

    I starts around the island and later takes you to the landscape outside the map, and on the track where the the start of the original Speed Element was made. It has two Vehicle teleporters that take you to a variety of places to keep everything ''fresh''

    This time around, the track ''kinda'' takes you from back to finish without the need of a teleporter (meaning that you can't crash into someone while you suddenly spawn behind the start (where everyone starts in the beginning)

    The track is wide in the beginning so the skilled people eventually end up in front and the less skilled at the back, so it acts like a sort of ''selection''. The track will then get a little bit more narrow and it will be more risky. The ones that take the risks will win.

    And now for the pictures:

    PS: The end of the track is missing in these screenshots because i had an upload error on Bungie.net, but i will explain.)

    The end of the track contains a vehicle teleporter and brings you close to the start. You will now take a big turn and get the lsat two checkpoints before jumping right on the track again to continue to do your second lap.)

    The pictures are in the right order, starting at the finish and ending at the end.

















    Last words:

    Well, that's about it.
    Reccomend to Friends and Family!
    Please also ''Like'' on Bungie.net if you enjoyed this map, so more people will get a hold onto the EPICNESS of this map :p.

    No, but seriously the maps i see on most Downloaded and Recommended are just...........*sigh* Don't wanna insult anyone, because ofcourse some are quite good, but most of them are given a populair map name, just for the downloads, and that is just bullshit.

    Thanks and your welcome.
    #1 TympanicMetal, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  2. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    wow man, it sucks cuz now i have to call the first one 'nice'. this one just grabbed me so much more. lol. really good job. i have a similar taste to you in track design so your 2 tracks so far have looked top notch to me, but i'm working on hog tracks. i had a lot of fun on it. working on breaking that record.
  3. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The record of having fun? lol.
    What do you mean?
  4. NeonStalker

    NeonStalker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man, I like this one even better than the first! :D

  5. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    u said 1:53 is the current lap record. but i must confess...i got side tracked on a new forge race....WHICH I JUST FINISHED! i've come close btw. best so far is 1:56.
  6. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol ok, yeah i know it's hard. My friend TOLD me he had that record but i'm starting to doubt him a little. My best is 1:55 so.....
  7. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    I never played the first but this one is wicked. Havent beaten the record yet. Anyways keep up the excellent work. I look forward to more of your tracks.

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