There are two bases with bridges connecting them. There are two sniping spots on each side. It is completely symmetrical, with alien weapons on one side, and human on the other. Pics Overview of blue base: 2nd picture of blue base: Overview of red base: 2nd picture of red base: Middle: Overview of map: Download Here
hmm it's a pretty good idea, but it's a bit too... plain. idk, it's missing something. i'd give it a 3/5
I dunno but I think that a symmetrical map should have symmetrical weapons but thats just my opinion...
these maps have been done, a lot. And although this lacks the "WOW" factor your map looks quite neat. except the upsidedown single boxes look off side
It looks very plain, like the others said. I think that it would work well with a set weapon choice. (Team Swords, Team Rockets, Shotty Snipers, Team Hammers etc.) It looks cool for Grifball (just a suggestion). Since its so symmetrical weapon placement is harder. I might download it in a while.
ya, i was going to make a whole second layer, but i got kind of bored of doing it. Your right it is pretty plain and i was trying to make it more unique, im prob gonna make a v2 with the second layer and change it a bit
It looks a little plain, but it also looks well built and fun. One of the bridges looks sloppy though.