I'm currently working on my first Invasion map and everything is going smoothly except for the teleporters. I think I have come across a glitch or bug in ways similar to the teleporter launching glitch, but much more annoying. For some strange reason, sending a Revenant or Wraith through a teleporter whose receiving end is over forged structure causes either vehicle to be violently launched upwards, give or take a few degrees. Sometimes, almost randomly, the vehicles will travel normally between the two nodes, and will be fine, but this glitch most often occurs. In my Invasion map, the receiving end in question is located within an indoor space, so whenever I send my Revenant or Wraith through it, it explodes from the sheer impact damage of being launched into the ceiling. Has anyone experienced this phenomenon before? If so, I would very much appreciate any tips on fixing this problem. Thanks!
Hello, Have you ensured that theres enough space around the receiver node? I mean 'realisticly' because theres always going to be a little variance in how players/vehicles are teleported due to players never entering at the same angle. Have you checked that both the sending & receiving node are setup for vehicles? And have you played about with the catchment area settings? I had a problem where my teleporters wouldnt transmit Elites all I did was increase the circumference and height of the catchment area on both nodes and it worked a treat, perhaps trying that may help? Thats all I can think of.
I have played around with both the catchment area and the space around the teleporter, everything goes into the teleporters fine and it seems like there should be no problems. Although it is inside of a structure, there is enough space from the teleporter/floor to the cieling to fit about a Wraith and a half. I have also raised the teleporter a few spaces above the floor to ensure that the vehicles weren't meshing with the structure upon entry, however I still have the violent launching glitch.
Interesting, I think it may be one of the many glitches in forge. I would have to play about with it myself to see if theres something I see that your not (you know what its like when you get a fresh pair on eyes on something).
Urgh, I've had this glitch before. If you want some fun, remove the ceiling (you get launched half way across forgeworld ). Have you tried putting one/multiple one way shield doors (orange side down) along the ceiling to slow the crazily flying vehicles before they hit the ceiling?
Yes, I've tried to cushion the launching with shield doors, but the vehicles are still blowing up. After playing around with this some more, I have come to believe that the angle that the vehicle enters the teleporter has something to do with the problem. For instance, a Revenant going through a teleporter straight and parallel to the ground will be fine, but going in sideways will cause it to explode.
Yeah, Thats something I touched on yesterday.... The problem you now have is 'how do you control the direction they enter the teleporter?' Or Is it worth putting the vehicle teleporters in at all? What about just having player teleporters into some sort of vehicle storage area?
Have you considered using a one way shield door just outside the receiving teleporter? As the vehicle passes through the door (from the blue side) , it *should* slow down.
Well, it's a remake, and that's how it was on the original map, and I never liked it. I was thinking instead I could have the vehicles just be able to teleport down, but not back up. It'd be cool to have it two-way, but this problem is just...horrible.
Yeah... thats understandable. Have you tried just using a sender and reciever node rather than 2 way?
I had the same problem and fixed it OK, I am not sure which of these did it but: Set players to FALSE Set light heavy and air vehicles to true Give the receiver node a round shape at least a meter in each direction Move the receiver node at least a half meter from any surface I made all these changes and it stopped throwing my vehicles no matter how I enter the sender node. If I had to guess I would say that it is the air vehicle setting that did it.
I can not obviously answer for the original poster but my receiver node is on a coliseum and is the one I made these changes to. Again this fixed my problem. [br][/br]Edited by merge: An addendum to my last; the fix I suggested is more of a buffer apparently. Further play testing has shown that the violent throwing of the vehicle still happens but substantially less so. Previously it was about 95% vehicle throwing to 5% clean teleport. now it is more like 85-90% clean teleport and 10-15% throwing or less. Not perfect but better then before. I think the original poster is correct in that the throwing has something to do with how the vehicle enters the sending node.
You come out of a receiver node at the same height you went into the sender. Say you go in halfway up the sender's zone, you come out halfway up the receiver's zone from what I've tested. Just make the receiver zone the same height as the sender zone and you shouldn't have a problem.
Tried that I actually had just tried that and it does not seem to affect anything. I have three sender nodes that are all at the same height as the receiver. One of the senders causes no throwing everytime the other two throw half the time or less.
it might have something to do with a sudden transition in height, which is the possible cause of a similar glitch i encountered on a map im working on based on a highway bridge with a vehicle chase type situation. what happens is, when i drive over a highway section consisting of stunt ramps laid into the ground end to end, while boosting in a revanant, i get launched. the only time this happens is when im moving on a specific part of the first ramp, which doesnt meet with another ramp, triggering an almost imperceptible drop, which somehow seems to launch me. it only happens on this type of track section and only with the revanant, though a wraith might, since i dont have one on the map.