Hello ALL!!! I'm making a map that in the early stages really needs to utilize the "Coliseum Walls" and "Coliseum Windows" and "Double Walls". While making my map I began to notice that you only seemingly get 25 TOTAL of any combination of those objects in their GROUP under Walls, Windows, etc. Question: I've seen other custom maps that appear to have much more than 25 TOTAL of the Coliseum objects and Double Walls. How does one make a map so that you have, say...95 of those objects like in other object Groupings? Like in Race Track maps for example. Any help would be great thanks!
You can have 50 total walls. But trying to answer your question more: Other objects can be used to make walls. The best ones are: -Building blocks. Especially 5x5 flat -The bottom of bridges and some platforms. Just rotate them so that only the flat side is seen. -Some decorations can be used in specific situations. Cover, for example, has a flat side, and thus can be used to make a wall out of many 'cover' objects.
All great info thanks guys. Ok, because the frame of my map relies heavily on the Coliseum Walls, with a touch of the Coliseum Windows, I was also wondering if there was a way to beef up those totals...perhaps above 50. 50 sounds good for now, i'll have to get back into my map and see what is skewing the total in relation to 50. But as far as side walls and such the extra tips on achieving that will come in handy. Thanks!
You really don't need to beef up the total. There are plenty of options already mentioned, such as using Building Blocks 5x5 Flat, or the bottom of Xlarge Bridges. I've used tons and tons of flat objects for walls, floors, and ceilings and have yet to hit a limit. Use your imagination, maybe make up the space of a Colosseum wall with other materials instead.