
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DarkShadow8, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. DarkShadow8

    DarkShadow8 Forerunner

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    First of all, excuse my probably bad english ><

    The Map
    So here's my first attempt at doing a Halo: Reach map.
    The map has to be played with the "Normandia" assault gametype.

    Blue team spawns in a high place, where the bomb is, as well as 4 mongoose and two warthog.
    The personalized upgrades last 10 seconds, enough to land safely on the water.

    Once in the water, blue team has to run/drive to the beach, and then take the left path. There are a lot of arrows from there so you don't get lost.

    Then you'll arrive to the teleporter, that will bring you to a floating room just top of the red base. In this room there are jetpacks so you can land in the base without problems.
    Just keep following the arrows, and you'll get to the place where you should plant the bomb.

    There are of course lots of weapons and nice shooting spots for both teams.

    Random Pics:
    Right or left, who cares? Just follow the arrows.

    You will never get uphere!

    Entering red base.

    Red team vehicles.

    Inside the base.

    "..No blue will put his feet in the ground alive."

    Red Base frontal view.

    I would like someone to at least try it and tell me how to improve at forging, and keep in mind that this is my first map before criticising me.

    Thanks ^^
    #1 DarkShadow8, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its Normandy not normandia
  3. DarkShadow8

    DarkShadow8 Forerunner

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    I know but i'm Spanish and I like how it sounds ^^
  4. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Ancient

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    oye pues te quedo bien ee!! Felicidades! And for English only speakers: im bilingual and think its great that so many people around the world play halo.
  5. DarkShadow8

    DarkShadow8 Forerunner

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    Muchas gracias!! ^^ Parece una tonteria pero con un solo comentario positivo ya estoy contento, pues es el primer mapa y se que no puedo competir con los mas pro, asi que has hehco que el trabajo invertido valga la pena, llámame simple jajaja

    Just thanking him, sorry for this Spanish-talking :p

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