A large bridge complex spanning the valley. Great for jetpackers. One side of the bridge is designed for warthog transport and the other is more enclosed for spartan traffic. Sniper towers and lots of room to jump about. If you end up alive at the bottom you can teleport up again and also bring the rocket warthog. You can teleport up from the middle buildings to save time also. I have tried to give access to as many places as possible with or without a jetpack and also have provided cover in small quantities around the top decks. This is my first Halo map so load outs and spawns may not be perfect. Thanks for looking and downloading. ) 3 x Sniper rifles 2 x Grenade Launchers 1 x Rocket Launcher 1 x Spartan Lazer 2 x Shotgun 2 x Warthog Gatling 1 x Warthog rocket 1 x Falcon 2 x Hologram, 2 x Jetpack, 2 x Bubble shield, 2 x Sprint, 2 x Active Camo Youtube video link below: YouTube - Dead Load Halo Reach Map.wmv Dead Load on approach. The sub-structure
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Wow this looks really good for a first post, it even has a video! I like those sub-structures. Can you get down there or is it a kill zone? Anyways I'll DL and test it. Also you should add a weapon list.