Overview of the map A hallway underneath the maindeck thats brings you to the otherside of the map. Same hallways as above, but seen from outside. View from inside the building in the middle ofmap which i call the Viewing Station. Hallway between Viewingstation and the building next to it. Shotgun can be found here Building next to viewing station. UNSC Airfield is an airfield build on a platform on the water. It's a pretty big map so playing with 8 or more players would be best. Both red and blue team have a Banshee at their starting point and a sniper rifle (kinda like valhalla in Halo3) There is a halway (as shown in pictures) underneath the main deck that leads from starting point red to starting point blue (or atleast very close by). theres also a hole in the roof at the middle of that same hallway so players can jump in halfway. Watch the Video on bottem of this post for a better detailed walkthrough of the map! Vehicles: 2x Banshee Weapons: 6x DMR 4x Assault Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Spartan Laser 1x Rocket Launcher 2x Sniper Rifle 4x Magnum 2x Needler 4x Needle Rifle 2x Plasma Pistol 4x Plasma Repeater 10x Plasma Grenade 10x Frag Grenade Video: YouTube - Halo Reach Forged Map: UNSC AIRFIELD - Made By: Solid Bop
One of the better maps of Reach. I think the banshee can be to overpowered, but you did say that this was a pretty big map, so I have to try it out. My favorite aesthetic part of the map is strangely the most un-necessary. It is those structures that hold up the air field. To keep its realism, you put those there. Please tell me you put a return to battle field somewhere when flying the banshee.
Yes, very impressive. I was skeptical when looking at the pictures but once I saw the video I was wowed. You did a really good job at making it a believable environment. Just a couple of things, did you make a return to battlefield barrier? Because without a barrier, the banshee can just fly anywhere. Where do the teams spawn and where does the splaser spawn? Because that plays a big roll in balance. And last thing, you should color the pieces blue and red so that people always have a feel of where they are on the map. Good job man, the underground tunnel is my favorite part.
Thank you, yes i must admid the video shows the map allot better. I did make a return to battlefield barrier, you cant reach any of the other islands, so flying in the banshee has a limited range of how far you can get away fromt he map itself. both teams spawns near each banshee, the splaser is somehow in the middle, if i did it right (dont know enought people to have a good testrun) it should take both teams quite as long to reach it, if not then the one who gets there first is in good shooting range for the opposing team (also both teams can get a sniper from start pretty fast so getting the laser in the open at start can be tough). I also thought about giving it red and blue colors but imho i dont really like it, imo its ugly to use all different colors of buildingblocks and kinda kills the theme but maybe thats just me. also the map aint symetical (probly spelled that wrong ) so it has some points you can recognize.