Some advice needed

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rocket turtle95, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. rocket turtle95

    rocket turtle95 Ancient
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    Hi, I'm pretty new here and I'm currently trying my hand at my first serious forge map. I'm probably a bit less than half done, I just want some advice on how to proceed as I'm new to all this.

    The concept for the map is fairly simple, a three-way CTF map (is this actually possible?) designed for 4v4v4, or 5v5v5. I don't have any screens at this stage, and it's at a pretty infantile stage, but the idea is for there to be three levels (bottom, middle, top), with the three bases around a large central area. Each base will have three points of entry (although two kind of intersect, so only two properly diverse paths).

    At this stage, I'm planning to build each base on it's own merits - is this a good idea? Of course, I want the map to be balanced for each team, but will this be too hard to achieve with different base layouts?

    Secondly, is having linear paths into each base a good idea? I'm building the map in the sky, so travel is restricted by bridges, will this be TOO restrictive and bad for gameplay?

    Next, how, in general do you go about weapon placement? What factors are important to consider?

    Spawning is something I have LITERALLY no clue about, so what are some ground rules for spawn placements in CTF?

    Any other general things for me to think about when making this map?

    Thanks for anything you've got to say.
  2. Magical Zonkey

    Magical Zonkey Forerunner

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    i'll tackle the first couple of points....

    1) 3 team CTF is possible (and quite fun i might add)

    2) having bases that aren't the same can also be a good idea. But as you've said already you need to make sure it offers for an even game! So same sort of ways in and out/hiding spots/sniper spots etc....

    3)having walkways from and too each base could offer very little cover. Might be worth looking at using multiple levels of walkways just to add some variety and cover into the map.

    look forward to seeing some pics when you get that far!
  3. rymcc83

    rymcc83 Forerunner

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    From your description, im getting the impression that one base will be in the middle of the other two?

    Personally I would steer away from that because the middle base would have to defend from two sides where as the other bases would only have to defend one side.

    If you are set on 3 teams perhaps orientating the bases in some sort of triangular layout with equal distance between bases would even it out a little?
  4. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    In regards to the different, but equal merits of the bases, I would suggest that they are well-defended against two of the paths in, but one is weak. For example, if one base has an edge in close-quarters, make two of the paths in tight, but one path that can 'get the drop'. If one base has a LoS advantage, make two of the paths wide open, but one that has some cover.
  5. rocket turtle95

    rocket turtle95 Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies guys, but to rymcc83, I am doing a triangular layout currently, with the three bases centered around a central area of neutral ground where there'll be rockets, sword/shotgun (undecided) and active camo (no camo in loadouts) spaced out over the three levels, if that makes sense.

    Hopefully I'll get some screens up over the next couple of days to give you a better idea of where I'm coming from.
  6. rymcc83

    rymcc83 Forerunner

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    That sounds good! PM me when you upload?

    When I first read your post I pictured the bases being in some sort of structure one above the other then linked somehow, hence my point about one of them being at a disadvantage. :)
  7. rocket turtle95

    rocket turtle95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I'll keep you posted :)

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