I say 'discovered' as a disclaimer, I haven't seen it on the interwebs and I found it using forge by myself. WARNING POSSIBLY BORING BACKSTORY: I discovered this glitch when forging my invasion map. When a bomb went off, I wanted a whole base to be destroyed so I set them to Gates on sequence 1. After I added the weapons I playtested it. When the bomb went off there was a DMR floating in the sky, I went back into forge and set the DMR to sequence 1 Gate. when playtesting it dissapeared from the base when at sequence 2 but I discovered that if I was holding the weapon it dissapeared from my hands! Anyway, onto the method of doing this. THE WAY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS: Firstly, place an objective, sequence 1. Then, place atleast 2 types of weapon down, specifically ones you don't spawn with and set them to spawn sequence 1 and label the INV_GATES, I suggest that one of those is an energy sword. When holding those weapons, capture the terretory and when phase 2 starts, KABLAMO! The weapons you were holding will despawn and you're left with nothing! Depending on what you had equipt, your arms might look natural (If you were holding a rocket launcher when you lost your weapons, one of your arms is seriously messed up). Anyway, thats how you accomplish it. Later today I'll put links to my gametype and map for this. UPDATE 30/9/10: Uploaded my map and gametype to my fileshare - Click here to download Note: you don't loose the turrets so don't bother trying, you can however carry a turret around and still have no weapons (if that makes sence). UPDATE 11/10/10 I've edited the file set to inlcude the new versions of map and gametype. Weaponless V2 has a bomb which when held will give you another colour ( I know its a bit pointless to hold a weapon and be weaponless). I attempted set cooldown traits for another colour but it doesn't work :/
Definitely a new discovery, I'll look very well into this, and I'll post pictures of all the weapons if I can get it to work for myself. This will be very usefull for macinimas and such, if it looks natural enough, sadly it would have forced team colors.
True that :/, you can use custom powerup powers to achieve different colours, I'll add that to my map before I upload it.
Awesome discovery! A "no-weapon" glitch in Reach! I knew it wouldn't be long until someone found one... Those pics look damn sexy too. Second one looks like he's ready to kung-fu punch you!
So this could be done for all players at once, without the need for multiple controllers? That is far simpler than Halo 3! I must play around with this!
So does each weapon have a different arm pose it defaults to when deleted? cause thats some nice personality to throw in there.
Thanks for adding screenies! I didn't realise that lowering your weapon would effect your pose. I've aslo noticed that you can't crouch when you're like this instead, you raise your hands like you're holding a gun but if you look at it from the right angle it looks like you're clapping.
Put the extended arm around someone else head would look like his just about to punch his face in Amazing discovery also could be used to make a gametype without weapons :O! Hope this doesn't get patched DELETE THIS THREAD! don't let bungie find out! at least till after Octobers update/jks (but i wouldn't mind if you did )
Firstly, I doubt its possible to patch this because it uses the things provided with the forge menusesesesez. Secondly, I've posted this on Bnet :/ don't worry though, the thread's died about 3 times.
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I do recall bungie telling us of this glitch back when the guide to Invasion Forging was released... Full Guide can be found here.
Damn you... I haven't seen that before :/ They didn't actually mention that it'll make you weaponless anyway.
Yeah, I did think of this when the idea of anything labeled as "INV_GATES" despawns anything .. even death and soft zones, respawn points, zones, etc. anything that you can spawn in forge..after that phase (not taking credit) but did try this.. btw I tried this when I was making a forge map with my friend, tested it on vehicles too, and it works.. which this gives me ideas of another invasion idea, lol.. Nice post though
Would it be possible to do this trick with a game mode that allows free for all so you could have custom colors or does it only work on invasion?
Unless there's a FFA gametype that contains multiple stages and gates. I don't think it's possible to use THIS method. But hey, a new glitch could be discovered soon.