The Melbourne is a map purely made for the invasion gametype, with Elites attacking and Spartans defending. Elites spawn on a platform aft of the ship and mancannon into the cargo bay of the Melbourne, where they attempt to make a beachhead. (Elite's starting area) (side view of mancannon routes into the cargo bay) (the cargo bay) Spartans spawn in the main corridor of the Melbourne and race to the cargo bay to try and stop the advances of the Elites Assuming the Elites are victorious in stage one, shield doors protecting the two engine rooms are disabled, and Elites try to control at least one of the engine rooms to stop the escape of the ship. Naturally, Spartans fight them every step of the way (one of the two engine rooms in phase two) If the Elites are again victorious in phase two, the lockdown of the bridge is partially ended, opening the security door from the hallway to the bridge, as well as enabling two way teleporters from each of the engine rooms to the aft section of the bridge. The final target for the Elites is the Melbourne's navigation core. Spartans will try to defend the core by holding the command section of the bridge. All the Spartans need to do is keep the core out of the enemy evac zone until the time limit runs out and the Melbourne leaves the alcove, whereas the Elites must try to take the core all the way back to the cargo hold to their safe evac zone. I would consider this map and its accompanying gametype to be in their beta phase, and I would greatly appreciate any input, as well as anyone willing to beta test this map. Download the map here Download the gametype here Thank you!
TBH from first glance looks a bit rough, it should be polished up quite a bit, especially before you offically release it.
I just joined forgehub so please forgive the noob question, but what does TBH stand for? and could you please look at it more thoroughly and give some more specific advice?
TBH= to be honest I'll take a look at it when I get on tomorrow, wont be able to playtest though, don't have a good group of custom friends yet
Yeah, but I'm mostly only online (on xbox) on wierd hours, weekdays from 10am-5pm EST, although I am online at other hours sometimes
INVALID. lol jk you should check out my map since you're already posting in this thread (i'm grasping at straws here)
Ok, sorry to say this, but this map needs some serious updating. 1. Most importantly it should be remade with somewhat of a plan on how you're going to use the available pieces to build this ship, the forging here is messy, and sometimes to the point where it affects gameplay, plus if you are more efficient with your objects, you could save some budget space. 2. Spawning, firstly need more initial spawns, invasion typically is more than 4v4, secondly you have no REspawn points on the map, the spawn areas are only influencers to already placed points, so a spawn area only works if there are individual respawn points inside of it. 3. Weapons, there seems to be like there aren't any weapons on this map, other than 1 shotgun 4. Escape, your map is escapable, I can jump from the side launch pad to the "engine" easily, and just sit there, also you can crawl up on top of the ship, then land on a rock in the ocean below. This can easily fixed with some kill/safe barriers.
did you actually run through the map in a game mode or just look around in forge? I say this because there are boundaries that stop players from getting on top of the ship in place, though i should add a hard death boundary under the ship in case someone takes the liberty of making a leap of faith. I should probably revisit weapon spawns, however there is more on the map than a single shotgun. My original concept was to be sparing with weapons, but maybe that was in error. the last time I checked there were a total of six starting points for each side, making this at max a 6v6 map. Did I delete some by accident? As for respawning, what is the major difference between a spawn area and a spawn point? As far as I can tell the only big differences are that points allow you to directly influence where a single player is looking when they respawn, as well as placement of individual players. An area just puts players somewhere within the designated area, allowing them a full range of view prior to spawning, as well as giving them the view they held when waiting to spawn when they spawn. Am I missing something vital that makes areas ineffective during some situations?
Yeah, I only checked it out in forge mode sorry, and you should probably have 8 starting spawns just in case. Must have missed other weapons, so I don't know about those so much. For respawning, you need to have respawn points, zones wont do on their own. Zones are basically telling any spawn points in that area to act as a certain team's spawn.
huh...thanks, i didn't know that about respawn points you should try running through in player mode though, especially in a real game. I laid boundaries pretty meticulously and I wanna make sure they are all in their right places. Weapons on map I really do need specific advice about because I have no idea what players could use in certain areas, and i don't want to make something too overpowered for a certain condition which reminds me, if anyone else happens across this thread, i'm going to play with spawn points a little, but then i'm going to want to test this out. Please, please send me a message either via this site or xbl if you can help me test. Do it for this kitten! Do it for this kitten!