If i need help with my map, can i ask here? [noobie]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KillerGhandi, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. KillerGhandi

    KillerGhandi Forerunner

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    First time poster...weee.
    Started dabbling in reach forge, its pretty awesome to say the least (with the exception of the new teleporters...) but anyway;

    im forging a map right now and having a lot of trouble getting certain items to spawn properly no matter how i spawn them and how i do it it seems to be a matter of luck everytime i boot up a custom game, also my items disappear randomly in the middle of nowhere for no raisin.

    my map concept is basically a floating platform whereupon youll play king of the kill along the length of it however there are 4 kill balls flying back and forth across the map always going back and forth across the platform for unwary wanderers. screenshot here if anyones having trouble visualizing:


    so basically no matter what i do whenever i spawn the kill balls (properties: normal, spawn time 10 seconds) they seem to spawn all over the map when i load a custom game and despawn randomly while flying back and forth. It works flawless in forge when i put the balls down but goes haywire when i load a custom.

    I need help : (
    link to map if any kind soul would open it up and check it out. advice also appreciated :D

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. smelliott111

    smelliott111 Forerunner

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    ya i need help to im having this problem some one answer who knows what there doing plz
  3. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    first of all you said "raisin" what does dried grapes have to do with your problem? Do you have something against grapes?!
    Any way set them to instant spawn and 1 second re spawn. some items if they are movable will disappear for no reason just wait they should come back
  4. NormireX

    NormireX Forerunner

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    I'm downloading your map so I can see what you have going on. If I get it to work properly I'll upload it to my fileshare so you can download it.
  5. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I'm 90% sure on this solution.

    What you need to do is essentially the same thing you did in Halo 3 with the fusion coil minefields. You have a fixed object right below where you want the killballs to spawn, then you lay the normal (instead of phased/fixed) killball right where you want it to spawn so that its stationary on the fixed object you placed earlier. Then once the kill ball is stationary, you can delete the fixed object below it, and there you go (for ultimate safety, start a new round before deleting the fixed object.)

    Hope this helps, if it does please confirm, because as I said I'm not 110% on this.
  6. NormireX

    NormireX Forerunner

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    Ok I messed with your map. And like others have said, you need to mess with the Min and Max settings and respawn times. I messed with it a bit, it's not perfect but I'm sure if you mess with it you can get it how you want it.

    And be sure to use 1x1 Flat blocks to hold up your Kill Balls until you are ready to drop them. When you are ready to drop them make sure you turn on the invunerable trait in the Game Options for the Editor, that way you can float into the out part of the death ball and delete the 1x1 blocks. After you delete the blocks you simply just nudge the balls with the editor ball and they will fall.

    If I get more time I might mess with this some more and try to get it so the balls aren't randomly despawning and respawning.

    Oh and here is the game file Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
  7. KillerGhandi

    KillerGhandi Forerunner

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    wow you guys are awesome!
    thanks to everyone who replied and extra thanks to you norm for digging into my map

    ill be looking forward to posting it along with my other mindless creations in the casual maps section

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