So as I was forging on a friend and I's map, I stumbled across a cool way to make a gun look cool. I was placing down a wall to fix a sniper on, just thinking it'd look just like a sniper chillin on a wall, and if once I was done, I walked up and this happend: [bungievid][/bungievid] Fairly cool yes? The wall lights up the sniper making it look very cool. LINK if vid dun work
That looks extremely cool, actually. How exactly did you do that? Also. LOLWUT. I'm browsing the BNET from where the video is supposed to be...
Yeah and now go kill yourself with some nades and look what happens to your gun upon death... Fixed will make the weapon float wherever it was held last, would be super cool if we could attach weapons to things without that though.
SERIOUSLY!!!???? You guys didn't figure this out earlyer. your all damn morons this is in almost every map.
Yeah, I think most lights have a proximity thing set to them, I've seen it many times in vids where you'll be walking down a hallway, and the lights will go on ahead of you.
Wow chill out bro. I've seen it before, and I didn't think about utilizing it for a weapon. Don't be a ****