I've been practising screenshots in Halo: Reach, I'll upload some more later on when I make some ^^. Tell me what you think Watchman Midnight Snipe Snipe from hell Can someone delete my other thread please, I made it in the wrong area >.<
The one I used in the picture at the top, are Red and Blue, tin cup as background, effects are juicy and colourblind.... I think. I have added more to the first post!
Nope, just used the effect orbs, have a look through the halo 3 screenshot tutorials and look for the one that uses the tin cup as a bg and uses red and blue lights, i did that pretty much.
Very nice screen shots, I would recommend using a more dynamic pose on the spartans though. Try doing a few while the spartan is sprinting, jet-packing, or something like that. Other than that they look great!
Thanks guys ^^ I'll hopefully be posting a few more soon. Sorry I haven't worked out how I did the effect yet, I'll keep trying.
The first three are decent; the last one I don't like. I agree with Nightmare, you need to be more dynamic with the poses. The pictures really don't say anything to me, they're just nice effects. I definitely see potential, though.
Its juicy and pen and ink, knock yourself out. That 3rd one is one of the best shots I've seen with that effect yet, overall 9*