
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Hypertion, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    Hidden beneath the massive crater lake on reach exists a supernatural wonder. This Caverns glowing deposits of unknown mineral and the presence of Forerunner structures have created a mystery ONI never solved. With the near total destruction of reach we may never know the answers.

    Luminescence Ver 1.1


    This is my third map and is the smallest i have ever conceived. That said unique lighting and FX use have created a visual effect i had never before considered.

    The entire cavern is shrouded in darkness dotted by blue Glowing rocks with create a visual first for me. An astetic new for me as i usually focus entirely on gameplay, this map fulfills the gameplay standard i hold myself to while setting a visual new i had never before set foot in.

    The layout of the map is mostly natural formations and is intended to mimmic a nautral cave formation with the odd existance of forerunner structure to add to the mystery.


    The map is Divided into 2 sides similar to the old beaver creek maps in the older halos with this center piece located seprating a pair of bases. On the Center Arch is a Sniper Rifle and behind it in a relativly well lit side is the ghost. on onther side of the arch of the ghost and hidden in a structure shrouded in extreme darkness is a shotgun. needle weapons spawn in four points of the square of this section.



    A Red Base and a Blue Base on either side share a similar layout with symetric weapon loadout but sightly diffrent structure and size while maintaining equal gameplay. bouth bases contain a central area with a AR, a PR, a grenade of each type, and a pair of Health packs. They are structured in a T with the long point holding the shown walkway and the cross containing a Gravlift entrance from the left and a stone walkway up to the right. the ground level of the grav lift contains a pair of Plamsa Grenades and a Plasma Pistol while the stone walkways contains a Pair of Frag Grenades and a Magnum. located below the walkway in the support structure lies the Grenade Launcher, each bases primary defense against the center three power weapons. use these against the ghost to completly neutralize it and in the tight corners it also proves effective against on foot enemys.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Pistols bouth Plasma and Magnum, Needlers and Needle Rifles, Gernades and Gernade launchers, a DMR in each base, Plasma Repeater and Assult Rifle in each base with health pack pair and a pair of gernades(one of each type) A pair of plasma Rifle spawn points capable of spitting the weapon out every 10 or so seconds untill 16 are on the map providing a readly avilable sidearm and alternative to your starting weapon. the plasma rifle can kill shields in a few shots and charging a enemy while going full auto lets you easly pummel them down when you get close enough. Shotgun hiding in the darkness, Ghost running over anyone stupid enough to get caught in its path, a sniper rifle that spawns in the only possible vanatage point to snipe from, or the Grenade Launcher that spawns below each base. What path will you take to kill your enemys?

    Enough choices in such a small area to keep thing intresting and thinking on your feet.

    This map is smaller and best used with the listed 2-10 players tho spawn points support up to 16. it supports all general gametypes except Invaison and Race and does so with ease.

    Weapons on map:

    Sniper Rifle x1 / x1 Max Count @ 180 Sec Respawn (2 Spare Clips)
    Shotgun x1 /x1 Max Count @ 180 Sec Respawn (2 Spare Clips)
    Ghost x1 / x2 Max Count @ 180 Sec Respawn
    Gernade Launcher x2 / x4 Max Count @ 180 Second Respawn (5 Spare Clips)
    DMR x2 / x4 Max Count @ 45 Second Respawn (2 Spare Clips)
    Needle Rifle x2 / x4 Max Count @ 45 Second Respawn (2 Spare Clips)
    Needler x2 / x4 Max Count @ 45 Second Respawn (2 Spare Clips)
    Magnum x2 / x4 Max Count @ 45 Second Respawn (5 Spare Clips)
    Plasma Pistol x2 / x4 Max Count @ 45 Second Respawn
    Assult Rifle x2 / x4 Max Count @ 30 Second Respawn (5 Spare Clips)
    Plasma Repeater x2 / x4 Max Count @ 30 Second Respawn
    Plasma Rifle x2 / x16 Max Count @ 15 Second Respawn (placed as side arm option)
    Frag Grenade x6 / x32 Max Count @ 15 Second Respawn
    Plasma Grenade x6 / 32 Max Count @ 15 Second Respawn
    Health Station x4 / x4 Max Count @ 15 Second Respawn
    Cuncussion Rifle x1 / x2 Max Count @ 180 Second Respawn (5 Spare Clip *EASTER EGG WEAPON*)

    all this said and done and all these pictures of me killing a dummy guest character using a spare controller i decided my dummy would get a chance to one on my normal in thanks for taking the beating in the name of taking pictures.


    ... Revenge is stone cold man........

    Thanks to Image shack for putting up with these many pictures.

    And Feedback reguarding the map and gameplay is welcome and any rereleasing of new versions as a result will contain any credit and will be posted here with info on changes placed in origonal stats and listed at end.


    Also thanks for the feedback. hope you enjoy Ver 1.1

    as per a request i have provided more images of the basic structure of the map. that said the small size of the map means there was only so much to take pictures of without too much overlapping.

    i have also reduced the admittedly excessive number of powerweapons on the map and removed the stronger of the 2 easter egg weapons while nerfing the respawn ability of the one i have left.

    thanks goes out to the 23 who downloaded the 1.0 and hope you will get the 1.1^^

    hope many more people download this map and have fun with it^^
    #1 Hypertion, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gotta love how you took 7 pictures of the same 3 second scene.

    Anyway, it looks like there's too many power items, especially for the size of the map. Rockets, shotgun, grenade launcher, sniper, sword, and ghost? Not the worst I've seen, but it's still a lot. And just because they're "Easter Eggs" isn't a valid excuse. If you can reach them in a game, then it's still a playable weapon. Based on the size of the map, at the very least I would remove the ghost and choose either the shotgun and sword. For a balanced game, on top of that either the rocket launcher or grenade launcher should be removed.

    As a side note the forging looks pretty good, but it doesn't look like you went too out of your way to make unique, non-default structures. Although I do like the simplicity of turning that rock arch on its side - it looks nice.

    And, grenade is not speller gernade - might want to fix that. Best of luck in the future! If you need anything else feel free to contact me.
  3. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    ITs REALLY hard to get the Sword and the Cuncussion rifle and they are mostly there for anyone willing to take the time to find them. it would be next to impossible to use them in a acual match due to the time just getting them out to where you can use them. as for the ghost... its really limited in movement in the small space and chances are you are going to get Jacked trying to run people over >< the rockets are the primary power weapon and the grenade launcher is a option for either base in team gametypes but isnt really inteded as a powerweapon. its placed on the map in a secluded location so if a team is being pounded by a ghost or rocket laucher the people in the base have a counter option. its powerful sure buts even in this close area its hard to get those one hit kills with. i may lower the amount of Clips severly if they are too much of a problem however.
    that said removing the rocket launcher and ghost would create a issue with the sniper rifle being the only power weapon that can be used easly to lock the map.

    you are also more likey to see the Cuncussion rife being abused however in a match due its explode on hit nature and the ammo capacty than you are going to see the Sword. if you look for the sword and find it youll find the sheer lack of visablilty of its location make it hard to pinpoint where to toss a gernade without blasting yourself let alone acaully knocking it to a place you can collect it >< it may prove to be too much in the long run but i thought i would include it for people who wanted to explore the map since it has a Torch light effect when its active and lets you acaully see in some of the pitch black corners ><

    as for lack of building block structures.. well the map is really tiny and i just wanted a simple cavern feel this map anyway... i intend to make massive things like that in my next Map which will feature a non static structure that changes over time.
    #3 Hypertion, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  4. madcow015

    madcow015 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just downloaded this and explored it in custom games. Let me just The blue glow makes everything so awesome looking. And although the map is pretty small it doesn't actually feel that small when your playing only because theres so many little paths and turns. Also the fact that the map is so cramped leads me to believe that the power weapons aren't really overbearing on this map; if you use them you're more likely to kill yourself then anyone around you. haha
  5. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    the presence of the rocket launcher may be too much at in V1.1 i may swap it and the Shotgun or remove the Rockets entirely and use their old spawn as the Shotguns. i am leaning twards the removal since the Grenade launcher is capable of dispatching the ghost already and that was one of the reasons it was placed in the first place. this is a intal release and its the first one ive taken this seriously so i will follow up with improvements to gameplay. more comments would be appreceated and if anyone wants to help me test the map itself in gametypes it would be of great help. particually if i can test it with full players or close enough to it

    My XBL Gamertag is Hypertion same as my Forgehub screen name so if i online and you would like to help feel free to send me a stab.
  6. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    cant really tell what this map even looks like....just a bunch of close up action map layout, so if i was you id load some of those pics....not you swinging a sword! lol ill check back when those pics are up...
  7. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    the first 3 pictures are the layout. its a small map. you have to acually play it to understand. however i will get additonal pictures up tomorrow.
  8. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    once a person finds it the first time they can keep coming back to it over and over every time the play the map. its sorta an unfair advantage to the host if they took the time to look for them (or the forger for that matter) i strongly suggest you remove the hidden weapons

    i didnt know close quarters made rockets shotguns, grenade launchers, and swords, underpowered.

    im pretty sure 9/10 that the power weapon will excel in that case. WAY TO MANY ON MAP
  9. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    Now Posted Ver 1.1 which removes the Rocket Launcher and lowers ammo on the sniper and shotgun. also have increased the respawn times of the Ghost Sniper Shotgun and Grenade Launcher.

    the Energy sword has been removed and the Cuncussion rifle has been extended to the max respawn time.

    also for anyone who reads this post the Cuncussion rifle is hidden in a cluster of rocks near where the rockets used to spawn. you cant get it unless you toss a gernade in the rocks and even then the chances are slim you can pick it up.

    i will be changing the main post to reflect these changes and many thanks to the feedback i have gotten so quickly and to the 23 who downloaded this map before the removal of the origonal version and placement of the Ver 1.1!

    Hope you like the changes and keep the feedback coming^^

    Added after 11 Days 6 Hours:

    will be coming back to forging with the replacement of my broken headset in the next few days. was working on next map and seeing as no new complaints/suggestions reguarding gameplay have appeared reguarding this map i will be trying to use the balance of the current version as a map for the new map that will feature a changing gameplay experience via timed spawning of structure.

    as of this post there is a total of 194 downloads including the origonal Version of this map. the most recent version has a total of 171 alone. thanks to all that have downloaded this map and i hope its sucessor manages to out-do Luminescence^^
    #9 Hypertion, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010

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