The Shire (Hobbit Hide&Seek)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Cannonball Clam, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Hi Forgehub;

    This is a gametype I've been working on called Hobbit Hide&Seek. It's an infection game-type with two teams; Hobbits Vs. Ringwraiths. Hobbits spawn in the Shire and have about 20 seconds to hide before the Ringwraiths get a chance to jump on mongooses and travel their way over. Last hobbit alive wins the round!

    Hobbits start out armed with only a golfclub and sprint and they do only 25% damage. Ringwraiths spawn with a sword and evade.

    Some of the hobbit huts have a teleport by the door, these will take you inside that particular hobbit house.

    I had an opportunity to test it out last night with a large group and it was a lot of fun but it definitely needs some tweaks for balance and game-play purposes. So I'm hoping to get some input from this fine community :)

    Here are some screen shots of the map in action:

    Around The Shire:




    Here are some shots inside the hobbit holes:





    (This particular hobbit hole has been flooded)
    (Outside View)

    (inside view)


    I'm afraid that the hobbits can block the teleport entrances into the hobbit holes. I increased the height and radius of the teleport range so that you can jump in if there is a hobbit trying to block it but I don't know if this really works or not.

    I'm toying with the idea of having the last hobbit turn white and gain super wizard powers (fuel rod cannon and less gravity) so that the hobbit can rack up some points before he/she gets taken down. Good idea? Bad idea?


    Hobbits take two hits to take down right now, but they're suppose to go down in one hit.

    A few questions:

    Is there a way to force infected to be elites?

    Can anyone find a way for the Hobbits to get out and escape the arena?

    Are there too many hiding spots? Too little hiding spots?

    Time limit too long? Too short?

    Should the Hobbits run faster? Slower?

    Should the Ringwraiths run faster? Slower?

    Is this game type any fun to anyone else?

    Is there a more appropriate game type that might fit this map better?

    Here is a link to the map --> The Shire V05
    And the game type --> Hobbit Hide&Seek

    I really appreciate any input! I'll be logging in around 5 o'clock Pacific Time so send me a message if you want to test it out or if you have a group going already! Thanks!
    #1 Cannonball Clam, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  2. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like quite the fun match to play, I'd love to help out. Plus, I'm a sucker for LOTR-themed maps. Lemme know I you're having some playtests any time soon--GT is to the left.
  3. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    I'll definitely shoot you an invite tonight, ProtoFury
  4. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds good. Maybe we can get a large party together, and playtest this as well as my map that was originally based off of Helm's Deep.

    My thought here is the perhaps we could make some interesting games that weren't just Infection--Maybe a sort of Capture-the-Flag/Find the Ring gametype, in which the flag could spawn in any of the hobbit holes, and the hobbits would need to hole up and protect it before the attackers (in this case obviously not super-strong Zombies) could get to it? I think something like that has potential.

    Also, I love the flooded hobbit house. Awesome.
  5. AnalogWeapon

    AnalogWeapon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a ridiculously awesome concept. :D
  6. Mustard Bomb

    Mustard Bomb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man, IC34DP30PL3 here, id love to help playtest this map, and i can get alot of people to come play too, just like last time haha

    On another note, i got everyone on my friends list playing Tacoma Bridge, everytime i join a game its Tacoma Bridge haha
  7. Jooder492

    Jooder492 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it would be a blast :p. ill be on later tonight if your playing.
  8. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Mustard and Jooder, I'll shoot you an invite around 5-5:30 pacific time.
  9. Dalagrath

    Dalagrath Forerunner

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    This looks very fun, add my gamertag Dalagrath so I can play with you.

    Only suggestions:

    I LOVE the Wizard idea, throw it in.
    Make the ringwraiths a little faster then hobbits and the hobbits should be able to 2 shot ringwraiths and ringwraiths should 1 shot hobbits. (Like in the movies)
  10. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Hey everyone,

    Party is open! For those of you who were interested I'll send an invite, anyone else can send me a message on xbox and I'll send an invite.
  11. Jooder492

    Jooder492 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im busy right now. Ill be on in a hr or so if you are still playing.
  12. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll be on within the next hour and a half or so.
  13. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the pictures, you have some great structure recreation. I love the idea you took from that movie/book and I think it's a great idea to pair it with a hide and seek gametype. Well done! This looks to be a very fun game!
  14. Cannonball Clam

    Cannonball Clam Forerunner

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    Thanks for the input and testing everyone, I got some mixed reviews on the game play. Some people really liked the hide and seek aspect where others found it pretty boring. I'd love to get any other thoughts I can on it, I'll be submitting this to the testers guild later today.
  15. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really cool, if you'll run a test again sign me up :) GT Rolfero
    this looks like a really cool concept, and I love the idea

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