Need some Opinions on this map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SuBI1miNaL, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. SuBI1miNaL

    SuBI1miNaL Forerunner

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    Hey guys I'm pretty new to forging and I'm making a map and just wanted some opinions on what I should do here. First off some background... basically the map has a base on each side and each base had 3 doors leading out of it. Each one is a tunnel that leads to an open area in the middle. And the two outside tunnels each connect to the middle one. It is a symmetric map and I just drew something up in paint really quick to show you.


    I know it's pretty out of proportion and such but you can kinda tell what the layout is...

    Anyways my biggest concern with this map is one of the teams fighting there way through the open area, into the other teams tunnels, and camping there and spawn killing them. I know this is probably easily fixed with some shield doors but I'm not sure where I would want to put them. In the dooors of the base or more outside of them so that the team being camped can move around a little bit.

    If anyone can help me with this or give me new ideas for the map that would be much appreciate! :D
  2. Magical Zonkey

    Magical Zonkey Forerunner

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    link to fileshare?
  3. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    Make it a symmetrical map. Put another base on the other side and make the middle more opened up. Also, if you tell me where you wanna build it, that might help some too.
  4. SuBI1miNaL

    SuBI1miNaL Forerunner

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    O it is a symmetrical map and the middle part is going to be a lot more open. I just did that little painting real quick. And the map is just in the sky.

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