This is my version of the Daedalus from Star Gate, which I have tried to make as faithfull to the show as I could. It has 4 Asgard beams (gauss turrets), and two missile launchers, as well as two falcon bays. I can't create a perfect version, as I don't have enough materials to create a 1-1 replica, but I did try my best. I also have a borg cube, however I am not very proud of that one. Bridge Cave entrance Daedalus firing Front view Falcon Bay ImageShack Album - 5 images I would add images, however due to me being new and all, I am afraid I don't know how to do that. If you could point it out to me, I would be most thankfull.
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Chill Dude Hey dude cut him some slack, you see the ?s that means there was a problem when he tried to get the pics, he even has a link, which is probably temporary while he fixes the problem. try to put yourself in other peoples shoes. hey btw, could you maybe make a way for ships or cars to get back into the ship? it'd be an awesome way to use the vehicle lift for ground cars, would look super cool, and then you could use it as an assault map.
Thread locked. Original poster please PM me a link to this thread when you have the post updated accordingly