DEATH STAR VS HOTH (updated with pics)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xAoTx diffuse, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. xAoTx diffuse

    xAoTx diffuse Ancient
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    Still in play testing development of map. Today I made some great strides in perfecting the game play and seeing that players get the closest experience to Star Wars. Although I am still in need of play testers, so please contact me on here or via gamer tag (xAoTx diffuse) if you are interested.

    Brief Description:

    Where's the snow? This is set thousands of years after the destruction of Echo Base in Hoth. Being rebuilt 500 years after is original demise, but shortly abandoned after the planet was going through rapid climate and terrain changes. Massive earth quakes and tsunamis swept the planet and changed its geographic build. Echo Base was again left in ruins, but what was left was later used for a refuge camp from a colony (the Hundors) close by. Soon rebuilt into a fortified base for this rapidly growing colony (now a close ally to the republic). The Death Star, not the original behemoth that terrified the universe, but a smaller prototype, came to Hoth as a resting place only shortly after Echoe Bases original destruction and has been there ever since. The colony used parts from the ship to rebuild Echo Base. Hundreds of years later a civil war broke out due to a rebellious General, thousands followed his dark ways, as he himself was engaged in the dark side. They took to the Death Star and set out to rebuild it and to use its power to destroy Echo Base and Hoth for good. With little support from the republic due to a current galaxy war, the Hundors are struggling to to stop the Death Star from completion.

    Fight to take on the General who betrayed his people and grows stronger everyday in the dark side, or fight along him and his men to destroy Hoth for good!





    #1 xAoTx diffuse, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  2. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Tut tut double post, you should've just updated your older thread with pics.
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Someone's already made a deathstar, and i must say, they made a much better job of it.

    Also, in the battle of HOTH, AT-ST's were not there. (2 Legged walkers)
    The AT-AT's were there though. (4 Legged walkers)

    Good idea, though, the structures have a good resemblence to Hoth.
  4. rentadog

    rentadog Forerunner

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    There were at-st's at the battle of hoth. not many, but one is in shot for a few seconds during empire. Here's the shot:

  5. xAoTx diffuse

    xAoTx diffuse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well done! your are quite the detective.
  6. jcarey72

    jcarey72 Forerunner

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    good stuff!
  7. Dalagrath

    Dalagrath Forerunner

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    AT-ST and AT-AT were both at hoth actually. I like the idea, just keep working on it!
  8. emptyaddy

    emptyaddy Forerunner

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    Before launch day our group already had developed several maps of which only the developers at Bungie had previously demonstrated able to be done. Namely, the rollercoaster arena of which we had effectively optimized and superceded their original design significantly while predicating all future designs by those posting on youtube. Effectively, not only were we the first in alpha code but we came to these ideas independently then isolated any prossible preceeding attempts. Our maps also introduced the first Destruction Derby intersections, water skimming drops, and multiple successful corkscrew launches and track continuations (hint: speed is essential)

    Of our "Star Wars" maps, we created several variants besides being the first. Aptly named "Where No Spartan Has Gone Before" and "Death Strike" among others. The initial proof-of-concept contained a 1:1 death star, star destroyer, and USS enterprise mid-battle as playable arenas in the air with novel spawn locations (within, on, and below for various game types), weapon selections (i.e. USNC lasers for firing in window behind death star laser and energy swords for lightsabers, etc), and character designs (i.e. spartans have EOD mods, are stormtrooper white with black visors). Kudos to you as we had not thought about the Empire Strikes Back entry battle. However, we also have maps which contain halved star destroyers (in air and above ground) a la the Statue of Liberty circa Planet of the Apes as a proven battleground in a fictional aftermath of Return of the Jedi. Of which feel free to use mentioned ideas and improve on them, the currency of our efforts is the knowledge that we pioneered said maps designs. We have others. All maps will be published soon with original authoring dates accordingly and are subject to official recognition (or plagarism) by Bungie on future map pack commerce. Have fun.
    #8 emptyaddy, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  9. xAoTx diffuse

    xAoTx diffuse Ancient
    Senior Member

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