I have spent over 6 hours and pretty all my funds in Forge World creating this map. It is meant only for two teams red vs blue. I tried my hardest to break the same old look of every custom map. I pushed for not only balance but detail. Please try this map out and leave feedback. Thank you. 2.0 fixes I've finally spent some time with a good amount of people playing with me to see what should go and what needs to be changed. Fixed: Added more spawn locations. Removed hammer. Fixed sword glitch. Added a few more details. Exhausted the rest of my money. [TOP] In Ouranos Labyrinth 1.0 the middle area around the blocks was the main chock point. Mostly because bother the red and blue side are exact replicas and everyone just ran straight out of the spawn points and started fighting.--Spawn points being behind the one way shields--Well in Ouranos Labyrinth 2.0 I have the initial spawns the same but now have added about 10+ equally placed repawns around the map for both sides. This fixed my bottleneck and helped spread players around a bit more. [TOP] This is located on the left side of the blue base facing toward the red. To the left is a teleporter that leads up to the sword and rocket launcher. You can't see it from this pic but there are also two turrets for both sides and a needle rifle. [Bottom] In the first pic you can see a tunnel to the blue base on the left. This tunnel is the same one you see on the right. On the top floor a crossed the bridges somewhere in the middle of the maze is a Fuel Rod cannon. Halo Reach UNSC Humans Weapons Magnum Shotgun Designated Marksman Rifle Assault Rifle. Sniper Rifle Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher Halo Reach Covenant Weapons Plasma Repeater Energy sword Plasma Pistol Needle Rifle Needler Fuel Rod Cannon Game types Slayer (restricted to Red vs Blue) Swat Infection
Would you mind adding more of a description of the map? a.k.a. How this picture goes into that picture, how these two areas are important, a weapons list, and the location of major chokepoints, weaponry, and power positions. For most maps, I wouldn't really care since I wouldn't download them regardless. Your map, on the other hand, looks very well-made. If I had a bit more information, I might just download. Cheers, HarisSales.
Well I added some more info to explain things a bit clearer. However one thing I'm not sure about anymore is where the choke points are. In Ouranos Labyrinth 1.0 it was just the middle. However with the changes of respawns I have not a clue. As I haven't been able to get enough people together to test them. Mainly I just wanted to fix the biggest problem in the first version. Was if one team was dominating the could ultimately spawn camp. This was not in my initial plan so I for sure had to fix that. I also removed that hammer as it owns on this map. lol Added after 4 Days: Added game types. Keep in mind the only way you can spawn on my map if you are either on the Red or blue team. Well I added some more info to explain things a bit clearer. However one thing I'm not sure about anymore is where the choke points are. In Ouranos Labyrinth 1.0 it was just the middle. However with the changes of respawns I have not a clue. As I haven't been able to get enough people together to test them. Mainly I just wanted to fix the biggest problem in the first version. Was if one team was dominating the could ultimately spawn camp. This was not in my initial plan so I for sure had to fix that. I also removed that hammer as it owns on this map. lol Added after 2 minutes: Added game types. Keep in mind the only way you can spawn on my map if you are either on the Red or blue team. I keep getting messages from people saying they gave up on my map. I did list it in the description that it is only Red vs Blue. Just try while you are on one of those team.