Meissner Effect Since the early 24th century, many elaborate tests have failed to explain what exactly keeps this floating mountain in place. Upon the dawn of recent wars, its funding was left on the backburner. Still to this day it remains a rock of mystery for the most devoted of wonderers. Meissner Effect is set for slayer, team slayer or multiflag. Red and blue will start at opposite towers with towers to the left and ight of each with mountainscape inbetween. i recommend 8 players. 2 snipes -one at each side 1 rocket -bottom 1 spartan laser -catwalk 1 focus rifle -neutral tower 1 shotgun -red 1 sword -blue a few dmrs and some other weak weapons with some scattered nades. In the first picture you will see, blue will start out at the left tower, and red at the right back.
I walked through the map, alone, both in custom games and forge. I'd like to start off by saying, Beautiful! The main parts we're really gorgeous, with the rocks and all that. Especcially the grass between the rocks made out of tin cups, yummy! But I could tell this from the screenshots only. But the thing is, I start the game, spawn, and walk three steps forward - falling down into the water and dying. So basically... Work better with your spawn points. Remember the essentials - Always make them point towards a point of interest, and remember that people usually likes to spawn with their back against a wall or similar. Also, you should be able to walk forward a few steps without being hindered by a wall or similar. Oh well, I spawn in a somewhat better position and continue my walkthrough. Upon stumbling upon a shotgun, I think "Hey, cool.", but this thought is shattered when I find a sniper rifle and a grenade launchers in basically the same place. Place your weapons less frequent, and in positions that fits better. Remember not to have too many weapons, and especcially not too many power weapons. Then again, I must admit I... Love the positions you placed the healthpacks. Awesome work on that small detail Next are just some small notes, unfortunately all negative :/ but these are quick to fix. The sniper at the sandbag, when you pick it up you can't use it to snipe over the sandbags. Phase them further down or similar to fix this Some of the man cannons are hard to get on in the first try. You can see cracks between the coliseum walls making up the border around the map. When we're talking about the border anyway, it's worth mentioning that you are possible to jump from a base to the coliseum walls/border, getting outside of the map. I do not know if there is a safe zone/kill zone though, but it seems you have the budget left to fix that. Hmm. To be completely honest with you, I think this map would've much more interesting if you didn't use the buildings/bridges or whatever, only rocks rocks and more rocks. Work on the aforementioned things, and send me a message. I'll be glad to test it again If you want to you can send me a message on XBL, my GT is Rolfero. Thanks, Rolfero. Edit: Also, keep in mind I didn't play a real slayer game/ctf game on this, just walked through it.
thanks rolfero. i just deleted two grenade launchers, fixed the wall, the sandbags and a few weapon placements. snipers reduced to one spare clip and rockets have no spare clips. if i could have used more rock i would have, but bungie decided that there was no possible way i'd need more than 50 rocks. Added after 1: I'd really like to see what a few more people think. I know this isn't a giant map (what most seem to covet on reach) but if you give it a shot, I think you'll find it quite balanced, and easily competitive. Let me know what I did right and wrong. Also, do me a favor and send bungie a message telling them that we need more than fifty stinkin rocks. Thanks guys