Here is my second map for you guys made by me and my friend fail man i made most of it he kinda just nudged things around. Its an invasion map called helms Deep, and before you guys go Oh Noes not another crappy helms deep remake this one i actually put like 4 hours into making. i only had a chance to test it once so a little feed back on what i should change would be nice. Anyways the Men aka Spartans start of in helms deep, in part 1 the uruks aka elites try to set their bomb at the deeping wall to try to blow the grate open to get inside. the elites should take advantage of your siege tower it helps getting around but beware it kills you some times. Part 2 the elites try to capture either the Gate house or the deeping courtyard Part 3 The elites try to steal the core from the throne room inside of helms deep and try to get it back to their siege tower. Note: i am not very smart when it comes to what the names are for the parts of the fortress so if i named anything wrong please tell me. Helms Deep Tier 1 and 2 Signal Tower Deeping Wall Uruk-hai Base
Looks very solid. Yes, I do think the Helms Deep idea is way over-done, but if you can make a map worth playing, then I am all for it. This may be the best yet, although I haven't had a chance to play it with large teams, which I assume would be ideal. The bomb planting to blow up the gate is a nice touch, but trying to enter through that gate alone creates a pretty tough bottleneck. I wonder if creating other ways into the fortress (i.e. assault ramps, kind of like the ladders they used) would be helpful. Just an idea... it may not work. I don't know how accurate this is to the Helms Deep of LOTR, because I'm not a total nerd. But gameplay seems fun, and that's what matters most to me.
To every 1 that already downloaded, download it again it i fixed a couple things and made it more even for both teams.
In my opinion of what I have seen in terms of Helms Deep maps people seem to be forgetting one big thing which never seems to be a thought in any average forgers brain. Your map is pretty good but what if you made a small area extending from the outside edge of the wall maybe to about 1.0 width and just below the total height of the wall as a 10 second soft kill area. As you may remember the majority of the forces constantly made it to the wall of Helms Deep. Those who made it to the wall should have very little time to exploit the walls defences before they die due to being to close to the wall and not inside. Again it is just an idea I like what you have done so far.
The problem with a 10 second kill zone is that, it would interrupt the flow of the game. People, not wanting to be the ones to die first, would wait for others to rush in, but the other people would be sitting back, waiting for others to rush in, and it would turn into a situation where no one would want to rush. Ill download the map, and test it out, looks stunning from the pictures.
a few things i found wrong. its missing the alternate way up through the side, theres an awkward shield door in the side, iirc the inside of the place is supposed to be larger but thats probably due to lack of money/objects. Other than that its an awesome map
Great rendition of Helms Deep. One of the best I've seen on forge hub or otherwise. The aesthetic qualities of this map are really cool. Again awesome model. Dl and liked