OLN in Reach's Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicFishFingers, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Unfortunately, the OLN still exists.

    If you're unaware of what the OLN is, it's the 'object limit number'. It existed in Sandbox, and the original objects weren't part of it, so when you delted them, you couldn't then place more objects.

    The OLN in Forge World is 651. It's much larger than the 300-odd OLN of Sandbox, but you have a larger budget this time around, so it's potentially easier to hit the OLN before the budget limit.

    I can't prove this, as I cba with capturing a vid of it, but I have a map built with 651 objects on it. I just don't have any XBL connection as of yet :(
    I deleted ALL of each object I placed to work it out (e.g. 100 building blocks + 50 bridges + 100 ramps + ...), but I saved the original.

    There's no "cannot place object. Too many on map" screen, although the same effect occurs, sans the text and the little sound effect.

    So if you've made any SketchUp designs, or, like me, you're half-way through an ambitious map, and you want to know how many objects you can place in total (including guns, spawns, kill boundaries, et al), then that's the number. 651.
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Hmm I've made a map that used all the budget, and it has lots of spawns, weapons, and objectives, but i haven't hit any limits. And I've downloaded plenty o maps that have no budget left but i don't think they hit it either. So I don't think the OLN will really hurt anyone this time
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    I ended up hitting the limit at almost the exact time I ran out a budget, just a little before. But I don't think that this will become too big a nuisance. There may be a small few instances where someone absolutely needs that one last object to make the entirety of their map to work, but they should be able to work around it.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It's a lot better than the glitchy OLN objects from Sandbox (I dunno if the three spawns on the base map count towards the OLN or not, but I think we can negate them)
    I just thought people should know about it :)
    The reality is: the forge still has some of its old flaws. Maps are easier to make, but if, like me, you took the forge vidoc at face value, and assumed there'd be no problems, then you too have a lot to learn :/
    If you still haven't ran into any snags with the co-ordinates and stuff, try making a racetrack :p

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