INVASION: CLIFF HANGAR So this is my first time posting a custom map online, so I'm mainly looking for feedback on this map. Now to the map... This map variant is to be used for invasion games. Spartans fight their way from the Hangar to the top of the cliff and then capture a forerunner artifact from the Elites. The first phase is your regular Territories phase. The second is an Assault phase. The third is your standard "Capture the Generator" phase. Above: Phase 1 "Territories" This is where you start the match off, inside the Hangar. Spartans fight their way to capture either of the two territories placed inside. There is a small sniper's tower placed on the corner of the map where a sniper (obviously) is located. A bridge separates the middle which allows a low ground or a high ground push. Once a territory is captured, the wall disappears and opens up paths leading to the top of the cliff. Above: Phase 2 "Assault" Now that the wall is gone, it is time for the Spartans to attempt to destroy yet another wall. However this time, using a bomb. Pick up the bomb and choose a path. There are many paths to take, so decide on the safest one and make your way to the top. As soon as the bomb is planted, it will explode and open a path onto the Cliff. Above: Phase 3 "Capture the Generator" This is it, the last phase. Elite's last chance to stop the Spartans from taking the forerunner artifact back. This section of the map is your standard one base on each side. A small structure in the middle to provide some cover, where a sniper is located. Oh and you might want to check back inside the Hangar, there will be a few things there that appear during the third phase. So that's the map, download it and I hope you enjoy Please comment and provide your input and feedback.
The core spawns at the top of the Elite base (the base with the Shade Turret). The pick-up zone is on top of the Spartan base (the base closest to the grav lift).
Could you maybe include a few more detailed shots as it is kind of hard to see some of the gameplay areas?
Nicely done. I like the idea. But its not very detailed. It also lacks the linear feel that invasion maps should have. Id like to see a v2 .
Yeah, I'm gonna work on posting more detailed pictures of the key areas. But what do you mean "lacks the linear feel" Added after 2 Days 22 Hours: I'm currently working on a version 2, so any imbalances would be helpful.