If any one is interested in play testing my map, DEATH STAR VS HOTH, please contact me as soon as possible. reason for play test- balancing issues map glitches feedback Gamertag - xAoTx diffuse Brief map description - I think the title speaks for its self, but a brief description won't hurt. Star Wars fan by any chance? Even if you aren't who wouldn't want to experience fighting in a epic battle that takes you to the place that is held deep in every one's heart, HOTH and the most intimidating thing in the universe, the DEATH STAR. Take a side and play in two high octane modes, star-ctf and star-territories (more modes to come).
I might be able to test. I would suggest adding pictures to your post to show people what they will be testing, and even though i havent seen, or played, the map yet sounds like you could make an invasion game out it.