Need some help with spawns for a remake of Gridlock from gears of war.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Digitaldrug, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Digitaldrug

    Digitaldrug Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When i get the creative juices flowing i can make my maps however i want, however i cant for the life of me, place spawns effectively.

    The map itself is so close to done, all its lacking is spawns and objectives and i can put it up on my fileshare. If anyone would like to help, or give some tips id be thrilled.
  2. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Spawns are tough to do, but it's pretty easy to tell when spawns are good or bad. Gridlock's a great map at that. The first thing you want to do is place the Red and Blue initial spawns on either side of the map. Have 8 for each team. I go by the general rule of always grouping spawns in pairs, but that's my way. As for other spawns, go by these guidelines:

    -Always face the spawns in a meaningful direction. For example, don't have people spawn facing a wall or a rock. Give them somewhere to go.

    -On the same note, spawns should give some players immediate options on where to go. Having a player spawn with several paths available from the get-go is good. Spawning them on a narrow bridge with only one direction off is bad.

    -Check your vantage points (the sniper tower, or the large tower opposite in the case of Gridlock) to make sure that no particular set of spawns are too exposed. If so, either move the spawns or add something to cover people who spawn there.

    A good habit to get into is to stand on each of your spawns and check what you'll see when you spawn there. Again, I always try to place spawns in pairs.

    Oh, and remember: Initial spawns for teams, neutral spawn points for everything. And remember to change the gametype and delete initial spawns that are default in Forge World. That way, people don't randomly spawn in the Coliseum or on the Rock in your game. You'll have to go around and do this for each gametype you're making playable.

    As for objectives, they're a little tricky with Reach's new label system. Here are the objects you want to use:
    -CTF: Flag stand
    -KOTH/Territories: Hill marker
    -Assault: Capture plate

    Now, change the gametype to CTF or what have you for Forge, and give the objects the following labels (press X for object properties, then go to Advanced)

    Flag stand: CTF_Flag_Return
    Hill: KOTH_Hill
    Assault: can't remember the tag exactly...I think something like bomb_spawn/start

    and then assign these to their respective teams.

    Good luck with your map, and let me know if you need any more help.
  3. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    What you can actually do is instead of going into each game type, which is very tedious, you can just go into general forge mode (i think thats what its called, and it displays everything, even stuff that you put the label on to only spawn in certain gametypes
  4. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The problem with 'Basic Editing' is that I don't think you can give objective objects game labels in it. But you're right, it should show everything from all the other game modes.

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