
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EvilChameleon09, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    I'm making a map in the area Asylum is, and I load it up in Team Slayer, but I spawn in the canyon every single time, yet I have initial spawn points for both the red and blue teams, and respawn points for both. What seems to be the issue here?
  2. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are quite a few issues that could be at hand here. First check to make sure nothing is blocking any of the spawns. Then, since you most likely didn't mess up that easily, look over the settings for them. Check for anything set to gametype-specific, maybe not set to spawn at start, any anomalies like that.
  3. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    The thing that confuses me the most is that I can spawn on them in Forge when I select "Start New Round" but not in a custom game.
  4. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Now that I think about it, I have been having a similar problems but in other ways as well. I had the spawn problem once or twice, but I also have been experiencing issues where a certain objective won't spawn right. Even though all objectives are set up exactly the same, one or two won't work correctly.

    Either way, the problem has to lie in the settings somewhere, I'll try and figure it out later, unless someone else has a better response.
  5. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    Was it because I placed them while I was in Basic Editing and not Team Slayer?
  6. Sir Green Day

    Sir Green Day Forerunner

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    I would say "yes". When you edit in each gametype's mode, you get access to the necessary labels etc. that you need for each gametype.
  7. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    >_< is all I have to say then.
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Make sure to edit the spawn points to not have a spawn sequence of 0 under advanced. That should help.
  9. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    Make sure it isn't zero? What do I put them all as? 1? Different numbers?

    This is really starting to piss me off already, because I have tried 100 different things.
  10. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Yes. If it is 0 it does not spawn ingame. The spawn sequence determines exactly that, the sequence of spawning. So, and object with '1' will spawn before '2' and so on. If objects have the same number, they will spawn together.
    That's the basics but when you factor in spawn times and min/max objects it gets a little more complicated.

    For your map, just set it all as one and you should be fine.
    Unless, of course, the issue is something completely different...
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    In H3, 0 just meant no spawn priority. Has it changed for Reach now?
  12. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Yep. I don't even think there was a spawn sequence function in H3
  13. NormireX

    NormireX Forerunner

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    Sorry sir but you are incorrect about the spawn sequence when it comes to initial spawns and respawns.

    Every single map I have made my spawns are all set to 0 and they work fine.

    In slayer games I think you have to have neutral respawn points. So don't make them team based. Just test this and see if that is what the problem is. It is possible that you can have team based respawn points but you probably have to have some neutral ones as well. Not totally sure, like I said I havn't had any problems yet so I'm not sure exactly what the problem would be.

    You could also try making the spawns in spawn zones and see if that helps as well.
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If that is so, than I thank your for pointing that out to me. I was under the impression that the same went for spawns as it did for placing objectives.
  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nope, spawn sequence is irrelevant in Reach really, unless you want to add weight to respawns. You only really need 1 initial starting point for each team (that you want to be playable on your map) then a few neutral initial starting points too.

    Make sure you set the starting points to "NORMAL" if they're phased into geometry, it insists they are blocked (much like teleporters) but it won't tell you it's blocked. So, just make sure its setting is on normal so it sits happily above the geometry.

    Finally, depending on if your map is set up for multiple gametypes, you might want to label them as Slayer, and gametype specific. Each gametype has a generic tag (which is usually the gametype's name) and can be set to items like walls, spawns, weapons etc... that aren't required to be in the game, but can be assigned to it.

    As a precaution, delete the inital spawns you have already, and set them up again. Take note of what you change. Ideally, you can place 1 initial starting point, save, quit, and load out a custom game and you WILL spawn on that initial spawn as the settings are preset for slayer gametypes anyway.

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