This map is nearing it's completion, and is in need of beta test and feedback. General Overview of Blue Base This is a map i had been wanting to attempt since i purchased reached and noticed all the rediculous Beaver Creek remakes. So far, I havn't seen anything taken in the right direction, and Reach's vast array of gameplay mechanics aren't very friendly towards such a small map anymore. With all that in mind i set out to create a reimagining of Beaver Creek to offer some new tactics and gameplay that focuses around jetpacks and sprint abilities. General Overview of Red Base The Bases are a throw back to the classic beaver creek style. Blocky, slightly interesting, a means of traveling to the roof and a teleporter across the map out back. However the biggest difference would be the lack of underground path leading somewhere out towards the middle of the map, as well as the left courtyard. This has been replaced with one tunnel that burrows out nearer the middle, in an attempt to give the flag carrier a chance to sneak in and out and cover some ground, should he decide not to use the front door or the teleporter out back. Snipers, Plasma Pistols and Grenades can be found inside the base. Collasped Bridge Showcases Rocket Spawn As you can see, the map is generally larger. In fact, it's just big enough to give either team a mongoose. It takes place across the part of Forge World known as "Montana," and featuers similar weapon spawns and tactics as the original Beaver Creek. However some paths have been reworked, and heights have all been elevated. Rockets still spawn across the middle, though this time ontop of the center piece of the map, a collasped forrunner bridge. The idea was that something UNSC crashed into the thing and caused it to fall, explaining the various weapons and crates strewed about, full of frag grenades and precision weapons. Showing Off Some Classic Assymetrical Symmetry! The general geometry of the map is complete, however still requires testing and is subject to change. Red side (left) features a closed structure leading up to they're potential sniping spots with a grav lift, and Blue (Right) features a manconnon vent jutting from the ground to shoot them to there own sniper spot. Blue seems to have an advantage with it's general sniping ability and closed in base, however red is higher on the hill, as wel features ever so slightly easier access to the rockets in the middle. I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Now, enough of the post, time for more pictures! Spoiler
Definitely my favourite remake out there, simply because you haven't left it like the original but improved and enhanced the design so that it is unique, but still instantly reminds you of Beaver Creek. Things I like: - how you've taken the layout of Beaver Creek but given a completely different setting (which works extremely well) so that it feels new, while still keeping the things we loved about Beaver Creek. - how you realised that it would be impossible for you to remake Beaver Creek perfectly whilst keeping the bases basements, so altered the design and came up with the idea of the caves, which I personally think is a great solution. - how you thought about the differences between Halo 2 and Halo Reach in terms of gameplay (particularly AA's), and therefore altered the map design to compensate for these changes, including the addition of mongeese. - The Aesthetical features. - I'm pleased that you decided to use a less used part of Forge World, and used its geometry and shape to your advantage. You have done what I have been saying all along that remakes should do: Not copy exactly but improve on the weak points of a map and evolve the design to match the evolved gameplay from previous games. You achieved this perfectly, along with having a unique setting with unique aesthetics. Well done from me and a 10/10.
Those bases are sweet man. Loving the cave and side tunnel thing. I think with the way the map is scaled though, with so much space between the bases, the teleporters make getting to the other base too fast. In the original battle creek, it took about as long to go around the back as it did walking between the bases. Seems like it at least. I don't think this is a problem for slayer, but for CTF or Assault it could mess things up. Good looking map though.
The teleporters greatly shortening the distance were the reason i added Mongeese, and flipped the ramp to the roof to face towards the middle of the map. However, you should keep in mind all those players that can't utilize sprint to get around can also make great use of the teleporters.. So far from the games i've played on it, theres been a fair amount of people choosing various methods, the teleporter just remains the most sneaky, However, i am concerned with it if it grows extremely popular as the map gets more attention, as it could warrant some kind of longer way to get to the teleporter, or adding an obstacle across the front right of the base.