This city fell to crime. Grab a gun and survive... Hello Forgehub, and welcome to my second Reach map. Harbor. It's a city on the edge of the island, with a small harbor. Really there isn't much to say about this map. It's a map with many buildings with one that you can go inside and many elevation changes, made with slayer in mind, i present you. THE PICTURES!!! The overview Blue spawn/Park Red spawn/Harbor Destroyed building/Sniper spawn Purple people street Courtyard Alley China Town The dumpsters The Garden ACTION!!!!! Please download and comment!
Yay, finally another map good enough to be on ForgeHub. I love this map. The aesthetics are beautiful. I dont know about the game play but it looks good enough. The buildings look really city-like also. I'll have to DL and test it.
Hmm i must of not being online when you tested it, if i was online i would of sure joined you to test it. The map its self looks pretty nice aye, the first picture made it look small to me then as the pictures kept coming it just got bigger and bigger, i love the harbor theme, i have not seen any harbor theme yet so its new. anyway anytime you want to test a map and im on live invite me cause its always a pleasure to test with you.
It's actually some what small, but all the different pathways and elevation changes really expand the map into something that can fit a lot of people. The battles really move around the map and it's usually more than one person.
Along with the guy up there, I'll test with you if you need some testers. I'm on pretty much everyday 'cept sunday. I can talk to you later about that, dont wanna get an infraction. But also don't you think the map looks kind of odd with thalf of it walled and the other half not? But im sure it's budget is used up. Wonder if they'll ever find out how to budget glitch Forge World. Also I think you might want to change the FX to make it look more of a dark and sinful city.
It doesn't need testers, but i would love to play it again. Send me a FR Not at all. Walking through the map really gives many feelings, and the over view just can't express all those at once. Walk around the map and you will see that map changes and feels very natural. My friends have told me that too, but i like to see my maps and i think a lot of other people would also like it without FXs. The only reason juicy is on is to light up China Town.
Effects are still to gimmicky to really be useful for anything other than min-games/ infection. This map plays well as it is. Lots of fun battle happen all over as Hat says, it's rare to have a battle in the same place but your not always looking for people either. I like that even though you have a kill zone on top of the buildings, it's only a soft kill so you can still cut across the rooftops quickly to help support your team mates while still keeping them un-campable. I just hope you remembered to fix that one area over the rocks you could escape from. Though it gives you no real advantage unless your winning and your whole team goes over. Also, china town felt really crowded. Not a bad thing in itself but when compared to other areas of the map, it was either too crowded or the rest of the map too open. Still plays well though.
Yes you're right, the map does feel very natural even when you walk from grass to concrete. Also the aesthetics just got better when I walked around, although to my disappointment you cant go in the building. But that's also why they look so real so I guess it's even. Anyways I added you on XBL and will be happy to test your next map or even help make your next map. Oh and I like the little picnic bench =P.
I knew that buildings that you could go inside would limit the size of the map and the gameplay so i didn't add them. Only one you can go inside.
I literally think I stared at the random boxes in the water for about ten minutes when I played this you wondering why I couldn't think of that. Well for one, this map flows Sooo nicely although the jetpack seemed to overpower everything else, the dock is an absolutely amazing idea 4/5 from me
the map is great for different elevation changes and the theme is pretty sweet. altho i would like to at least 1 boat in the harbor cuz thatd be pretty cool too. oh and infection would be cool for this map as well. good job hat
A boat would be cool, but budget and item limits would prevent me from making a well forged boat. Infection would be cool, but i'm too lazy to figure out how it works. If anyone wants to make this for infection just give me some credit and send me the link. Added after 3 Days: HARBOR V2!