
Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Noxiw, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: GodlyPerfection, Bartoge, and GunnerGrunt
    Thread maintained by Noxiw


    1. [jumpto=1]Conquest Basics[/jumpto]
    2. [jumpto=2]Conquest Weaponry[/jumpto]
    3. [jumpto=3]Halo Reach Conquest Compared to Halo 3's[/jumpto]
    4. [jumpto=4]Conquest Official Map Creation Guide[/jumpto]
      1. [jumpto=5]Disclaimer[/jumpto]
      2. [jumpto=6]Map Basics[/jumpto]
      3. [jumpto=7]Setting Up Territories[/jumpto]
      4. [jumpto=8]Map Layout[/jumpto]
      5. [jumpto=9]Weaponry (Reiteration)[/jumpto]
      6. [jumpto=10]Room Details[/jumpto]
        • Spawn Hives
        • Transition Territories
        • Holdout Territories
        • Center Territory
      7. [jumpto=11]Repair and Recovery[/jumpto]
      8. [jumpto=12]Important Guidelines[/jumpto]
      9. [jumpto=13]Submitting Your Map[/jumpto]
    5. [jumpto=14]Certified Conquest Map Database[/jumpto]
    6. [jumpto=15]Support[/jumpto]

    Conquest is a territories team based gametype focused on pushing your opponents out of territories that rightfully belong to you creating a reverse tug-of-war effect. It is played on linear maps that remove all attempts to flank and the maps enforce a brute force style of gameplay with all opposition focused on only the path ahead allowing players to place all their concentration in front of them. All power weapons and explosives are removed from maps focusing on damage over time weaponry to enforce teamwork tactics like double teaming, shield popping, head shotting, and covering teammates to allow them to recharge their shields.

    [highlight][aname=1]Conquest Basics.[/aname][/highlight]
    The objective of Conquest is to score more points than the opposing team by taking over territories to score points over time. Each team scores one point every second for every territory they own. They do not earn points for contested territories (territories with enemies in them). Territories take 10 seconds of uncontested time to capture. There are 4 rounds of 2 minutes and the team with the most points at the end wins.

    Conquest is played on specially built maps that consists of 7 rooms placed in a linear fashion with 1 spawn hive, 1 transition territory, and 1 holdout territory for each team and then a center territory for teams to fight over. If you would like to build a map for Conquest or just read the details on how and why Conquest maps are made a specific way, please read the Map Creation Guide located at the further down this thread. Teams push forward through the rooms attempting to push the other team back into their own territories by utilizing effective teamwork strategies like double teaming, providing cover fire for teammates, shield popping, headshotting, etc.

    There are three types of weapons in Conquest; Softeners, Damagers, and Headshotters. Softeners are weapons that remove a player's shields quickly. Damagers are weapons that deal damage quickly after a player's shields are popped. Headshotters are precision weapons that quickly eliminate a player who has no shields, but require accuracy to use effectively. A good balance of these types of weapons are important. Too many softeners means that player's will not die quickly when their shields are down. Too many damagers means a lack of quick headshot elimination and longer amount of time to take out shields. Too many headshotters means a long time to take out shields as well as a long time to damage a player unless players have good accuracy for headshots with shields down. Communicate with your team what roles each player is taking to maximize your teams effectiveness.

    [highlight][aname=2]Conquest Weaponry[/aname][/highlight]

    At start player's have access to three basic weapons, one of each type:

    • Assault Rifle - Acts as a spraying damaging weapon for when player's have no shields; Damager
    • Plasma Repeater - Acts as a shield reducer in order to remove player's of their shields quickly; Softener
    • Magnum - Acts as a quick elimination weapon since it can kill player's in one headshot when they have no shields; Headshotter
    There are several weapons that may be found on a Conquest map that can enhance a player's effectiveness or versatility:

    • DMR - This is an upgrade of the starting Magnum and acts as the supreme headshotter in Conquest. It retains more range and more accuracy than the starting headshotter.
    • Needle Rifle - This weapon is a combination of a headshotter and a damager. It holds the ability to headshot while still being able to place only 3 shots to the body of an opposing player with no shields to trigger a kill
    • Plasma Rifle - This covenant weapon is the upgrade to the starting Plasma Repeater. It does not require venting like the Plasma Repeater does and strips players of shields faster than the starting softener.
    • Spiker - This weapon is a mix of a softener and a damager. It gives the player the power of a Plasma Repeater mixed with some of the power of the Assault Rifle.
    • Plasma Pistol - This covenant weapon is the supreme softener. It requires a charge, but delivers a shot that completely removes a player of their shields allowing damagers and headshotters to instantly be effective.

    [highlight][aname=3]Halo Reach Conquest Compared to Halo 3's[/aname][/highlight]

    Conquest is a remake of one of the most popular community gametypes of Halo 3. It has gone through a significant amount of changes to perfect it for Halo: Reach's new gameplay.
    The first major difference is the new scoring system. In Halo 3 teams earned one point for each territory they owned at the end of every round. In Halo: Reach teams earn one point for every second and for every territory that they own. For example if red team owns 3 territories they earn one point for each territory every second so while they own those territories they gain 3 points per second. This new scoring system rewards teams for holding territories for a longer amount of time. In Halo 3 a team could be doing poorly through out the whole round and then grab the center at the last second, making the opposing teams effort for the whole round useless.

    The next major change is the change to the weaponry. Explosive weapons and power weapons have been removed from the Conquest weaponry. This means that there are no grenades, sniper rifles, focus rifles, concussion rifles, etc. All weaponry is focused around damage over time weaponry to encourage a team focus for gameplay. Explosives prove to be too powerful for Conquest due to the linear nature of maps allowing a single grenade to quickly dispose of the opposition. For this they have been removed from gameplay. Players have the choice of 3 layouts on spawn that give them the basic powers of softening shields, damaging players, and headshotting players. Weapons on the map serve to upgrade or diversify the player's capabilities.

    The damage system has also slightly been tweaked from Halo 3. Weapon damage is set to only 90% damage and the damage resistance of players is set to 110%. This increased damage is necessary when a player is being shot by the whole opposite team at the same time to allow players the time to react and take cover. In a normal team slayer game a player only gets shot at by like 1-3 people at a time. In Conquest players are constantly shot by 2-4 players at the same time making increased damage resistance crucial to surviving long enough to make tactical decisions. Also melee now deals less damage. It takes a full 3 hits to kill a player with melee only. The reason for this was because of the linear nature of Conquest maps and the close quarters combat that happens often and persuades players to shoot their weapons more than using their fists. If the melee damage is too high player's are more encouraged to beatdown over firing their weapon. Assassinations have also been removed from the game as it allows players to bypass the higher damage resistance. Finally Shield/Health recharge rate is set to as high as it can possibly go to reward those who take cover. The gametype is spartan only and with the new Halo: Reach mechanics this means that health packs are now built into Conquest maps.

    Conquest territories are now built with corners that allow players to hide in them while still contesting the territory. This was added into the map guidelines to be built into the Center territory and sometimes the adjacent Holdout territories. The reason for this addition is due to the new points over time scoring system. Teams do not gain points from territories that are contested. This allows a team to not get too far ahead and allows the opposing team to stop the opposing teams from getting points from the territory while they fight for it.

    The number of rounds and round time limit has also been tweaked from the original gametype. It used to be 3 rounds of 3 minutes a piece, now it is 4 rounds of 2 mins a piece. This works best for the new scoring system and gives teams a chance to see how far behind they are every two minutes and gauge how hard they have to push the next round. It also stops one team from getting two far ahead. The 4 rounds was done because in the new territories teams switch sides every round. Setting up 4 rounds allows each team to spend 4 minutes total on each side to utilize its advantages. This allows map designers to design asymmetric maps without too much worry for balance because each team gets an equal amount of time on both sides.

    [highlight][aname=4]Conquest Official Map Creation Guide[/aname][/highlight]

    Conquest is a territories team based gametype focused on pushing your opponents out of territories that rightfully belong to you creating a reverse tug-of-war effect. It is played on linear maps that remove all attempts to flank and the maps enforce a brute force style of gameplay with all opposition focused on only the path ahead allowing players to place all their concentration in front of them. All power weapons and explosives are removed from maps focusing on damage over time weaponry to enforce teamwork tactics like double teaming, shield popping, head shotting, and covering teammates to allow them to recharge their shields. This guide will instruct you on how to make a Conquest map for all to enjoy. You have full permission to repost this guide wherever you would like as long as you give credit to myself and redirect readers to where they can obtain the gametype.

    • [highlight][aname=5]Disclaimer[/aname][/highlight]
    This guide is written with my [GodlyPerfection] three years of experience of working with Conquest since it's creation. While this guide is not the law it is a heavy set of guidelines that are followed by many and will help you get your map into the Official Conquest Map Archive. This is a culmination of the best practices of creating Conquest maps to ensure that players enjoy the gameplay and get the full effect and essence of Conquest. This is not created to follow anything just because I want it that way. Each tip has reasoning behind it from not only myself [GodlyPerfection], but many other great Conquest map designers like Bartoge, Ell3ment, GunnerGrunt, Coyote, etc. All of these tips will help you make your map fun for all Conquest enthusiasts to play on. I hope this helps you out and I hope you share the guide with everyone who wishes to create a Conquest map in Halo: Reach. I [GodlyPerfection] look forward to seeing your creations and working with you to perfect your maps.
    • [highlight][aname=6]Map Basics[/aname][/highlight]
    All Conquest maps consist of one linear path of 7 "rooms" consisting of two spawn hives on either end, and 5 territories between them. The center territory is the focus of a majority of the combat as teams attempt to push the other team back. The two territories closest to the center are the main holding ground for each team as they push back and forth to fight for the center territory. The outer territory rooms (The closest to the spawn hives) are transition/backup territories. They serve as a place for members of the team to retreat to in order to regroup and recover if they get overrun. Each room needs to be distinguishable from the next and separated clearly to allow players to easily recognize what territory they are in.
    • [highlight][aname=7]Setting Up Territories[/aname][/highlight]
    To setup a Conquest map you have to make your map compatible with the Territories gametype. First thing you need to do is open up your map in forge with a territories gametype selected. Any territory game variant will do. Next you need 5 territory objects. Territory objects can be many things, but Flag Stands can be used if you don't want to use anything else. Place all 5 objects on your map in their respective "rooms". Set each objects's shape and area to cover the designated room. Go to the object's properties and then go to advanced. Change the gametype label to "Terr_Obj". This will make the object a territory. Now go up to the object's spawn sequence and change it to what the type of Conquest territory it is:​
      • Use '1' for the center territory
      • Use '2' for the holding ground territories (the territories on either side of the center territory)
      • Use '3' for the transition/backup territories (the territories on closest to the spawn hives or the outer territories that are furthest away from the center)
    Your map should now load properly with your territories numbered so that as you get closer to the center of the map the numbers of the territories decrease until they hit '1'. Make sure you set the spawn sequence of all of your territory objects. All objects have a spawn sequence of '0' by default and in territories this means that the object will not be recognized as a territory and will not work.
    • [highlight][aname=8]Map Layout[/aname][/highlight]
    Most Conquest maps in Halo 3 were symmetrical. While this was not required it made maps easy to balance for each side which was important for Conquest in Halo 3. Conquest maps in Halo: Reach no longer need to be truly balanced for each side because of the new scoring system. Conquest now consists of 4 rounds of 2 minutes each with no sudden death. Each team switches sides when each round ends. This means that no matter what, each team plays on each side twice for a total of 4 minutes on each side. This allows maps to be slightly unbalanced since each team plays both sides of the map equally with an equal chance of scoring. For example, green side may have a height advantage over yellow side. Red team plays on green side just as many times as Blue team, meaning that each has 4 minutes to utilize that height advantage. This allows map designers to have an asymmetrical layout without too much worry. Do avoid making one side too overpowered as it will make the other side distasteful to play on.

    • [highlight][aname=9]Weaponry(Reiteration)[/aname][/highlight]
    Weapons in Conquest are split up into three types; damagers, softeners, and headshotters. Damaging weapons are used to damage an opponent when their shields are down to kill them. Softener weapons are weapons that quickly remove a player's shield. Headshot weapons are weapons with headshot capabilities that can quickly eliminate a player with no shields. The weapons that you place on the map are placed as upgrades to a player's basic spawning weaponry. At start player's have access to three basic weapons, one of each type:
      • Assault Rifle - Acts as a spraying damaging weapon for when player's have no shields; Damager
      • Plasma Repeater - Acts as a shield reducer in order to remove player's of their shields quickly; Softener
      • Magnum - Acts as a quick elimination weapon since it can kill player's in one headshot when they have no shields; Headshotter
    You have several weapons that can be placed on a Conquest map that can enhance a player's effectiveness or versatility. The weapons that are available for placing on a Conquest map are as follows:
      • DMR - This is an upgrade of the starting Magnum and acts as the supreme headshotter in Conquest. It retains more range and more accuracy than the starting headshotter.
      • Needle Rifle - This weapon is a combination of a headshotter and a damager. It holds the ability to headshot while still being able to place only 3 shots to the body of an opposing player with no shields to trigger a kill
      • Plasma Rifle - This covenant weapon is the upgrade to the starting Plasma Repeater. It does not require venting like the Plasma Repeater does and strips players of shields faster than the starting softener.
      • Spiker - This weapon is a mix of a softener and a damager. It gives the player the power of a Plasma Repeater mixed with some of the power of the Assault Rifle.
      • Plasma Pistol - This covenant weapon is the supreme softener. It requires a charge, but delivers a shot that completely removes a player of their shields allowing damagers and headshotters to instantly be effective.
    When placing weapons they should be easily found while moving towards the center. If a weapon cannot be found, it will not be picked up, and if it isn't picked up it might as well not exist on the map. Weapons can have varying spawn times and clip sizes based on the map. The typical spawn time is around 30 seconds. Keep in mind that reducing the spawn time makes that particular weapon more prevalent than the rest. Also keep in mind that increasing spawn times for weapons and reducing spare clips makes the weapons placed on map more precious and more treasured. Do keep note that there are no more grenades in Conquest and no more power weapons... so no focus rifles, sniper rifles, or concussion rifles (concussion rifles are considered power weapons due to the ability to hit multiple players on the opposing team).

    • [highlight][aname=10]Room Details[/aname][/highlight]
    Before going into details for each room keep note that territory rooms need to cover most of the room, if players are behind cover they should still be inside the territory. Players should not be afraid to take cover. If the territory only covers the center of the room a player will avoid taking cover for as long as possible in fear of losing the current territory. This causes too much frustration so to avoid this ensure that your territories cover all or 99% of the room that it is placed in. Players are fighting to keep the whole room, not just the territory.

    • Spawn Hives
    On a Conquest map there are four types of "rooms". The first is the spawn hive. This is where all players begin their Conquest. This room needs to be cut off enough so that players may spawn safely and proceed forward with little opposition. In case this setup is not possible the Conquest gametype does provide 3 seconds of invulnerability on spawn to ensure that players have time to orient themselves on spawn. The spawn hive typically has no territory in it because it is near impossible for the opposing team to capture a territory that is in a spawn hive. Because of this spawn hives do not hold territories and act as rooms 6 and 7.

    • Transition Territory
    The second type of room is the transition/backup territory. These rooms are typically long and provide the majority of weapon selection as players head towards the center. Because these are just transition territories not much time is spent in them so the territory should be a decent length to allow players to capture them as they walk towards the center without having to stop. A little pause before going into the next territory is fine, however for the optimal smooth experience it should be long enough to capture without having to stop so that player's may move on to the main point of combat. If player's have to stop it just creates a stutter in gameplay reducing the player's experience. These territories are marked with a spawn sequence of '3'.
    • Holdout Territories
    The third type of room is the holdout territory. These rooms are the territories closest to the center territory. Because of this player's spend a lot of time in these rooms so they do not need to be long in order for them to be capture. These rooms need to contain a good amount of cover between it and the center territory in order for players to recharge their shields. Keep in mind that this area will typically house the whole team at once and their should be enough space for all players to fit comfortably and take cover comfortably. The weaponry in this room is typically placed to refill ammo and to allow more versatility in combat. Be wary of placing too many weapons in this room compared to the transition territory because sometimes this territory is taken and the opposition will take control of all weaponry in this room. Keep all main upgrade weapons in the transition territory. These territories are marked with a spawn sequence of '2'.​
    • Center Territory
    The final type of room is the center territory. This is the focus of combat in Conquest. Player's will fight over this constantly. There needs to be cover on both sides within this territory so that each team may contest the territory semi safely. The trick to taking this territory will be for teams to work together and remove the opposition from their cover in the center territory and push them back to their holdout territory. If a center territory does not have cover for each team, the team that owns it will easily rack up points. Avoid this and give the opposite team the chance to contest the territory semi safely. Or else the match will feel very one sided and unenjoyable. Give players the feeling of contesting and threatening their opponents to increase the sense of combat and improve the feel of competition. This territory is marked with a spawn sequence of '1'.

    • [highlight][aname=11]Repair and Recovery[/aname][/highlight]
    Conquest is a spartan only gametype. This means that when a player's health drops it will not heal past the nearest third. To accommodate for this med-kit stations need to be placed in the rooms to allow for players to recover when they need to. The spawn time of med-kits can vary between maps. Keep in mind that the quicker medkits respawn the less effective damager style weapons are. Each map needs to adjust the spawn time of their med-kits based on the layout. Typical spawn times are anywhere from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
    In addition to med-kits, players need cover to have time to repair their shields. Without cover the teamwork aspect of Conquest is greatly diluted since player's cannot repair their shields while they have teammates cover them. Learning when to take cover is an important part of what makes Conquest competitive.
    • [highlight][aname=12]Important Guidelines[/aname][/highlight]
    Many beginning Conquest Map designers make simple mistakes that can be avoided by just knowing what they are. Use the following bulleted list as a set of guidelines to improve the gameplay on your Conquest map.
      • Avoid player's being shot from more than one direction. Conquest is about brute force and pushing harder towards the other side. When being shot from multiple sides a player is forced to split their attention deluding the essence of Conquest
      • Remember that teams only gain points from uncontested territories. Be sure that player's can contest the center territory semi safely to allow them to catch back up in the point race and slow down their opponent. If this capability does not exist on your map it will allow one team to gain points too fast and pull ahead too easily making it not very fun for the opposite team. Providing the ability to contest the territory also increase adrenaline rush for both teams as they fight for control of the center.
      • Designate each "room" specifically. Don't have territories that are split between two visual rooms and don't have multiple territories in one visual room. This causes confusion amongst player's and makes it hard to hold each territory one at a time and removes the progression feel of Conquest, blurring the lines between which areas are territories.
      • Do not place too many weapons in the holdout room. If a team is overrun in their holdout room they lose possession of everything in that room including weapons. If all of their weapons are in that room it makes it difficult to make a comeback and put pressure back on their opposition.
      • Ensure that players spawn smoothly. Don't force them to make decisions right off the bat. Place weapons at least three seconds from spawning to allow player's time to orient themselves on spawn.
      • Make sure weapons can be found on your map using eye catching techniques like color contrast. If players can't find the weapons then they might as well not be placed on the map.
      • Keep transition territories long enough so that a team does not have to stop to capture it. The main focus is the center territory so allow them to get to their destination smoothly. Forcing them to stop to capture a territory reduces the adrenaline rush at the beginning of each round as player's have to stop their progress and stutter their gameplay.

    • [highlight][aname=13]Submitting Your Map[/aname][/highlight]
    Once your map is complete you may submit it to the Conquest creators (GodlyPerfection, Bartoge, and Gunnergrunt) by putting it on your fileshare and tagging your map with the following tags: Conquest | ReachingPerfection. We will find it, playtest it, and work with you to perfect it. Once we feel it is up to par your map will be placed in the Official Conquest Map Archive for all Conquest enthusiasts to enjoy. If you need to find players to playtest your maps or find other Conquest enthusiasts, send a friend request to the gamertag ConquestInReach. Good luck and we all look forward to working with you as a map designer and thank you for your contribution to the Conquest community.

    • [highlight][aname=14]Certified Conquest Map Database[/aname][/highlight]

      • Sorted Alphabetically by Title
          • (The) Cellars
            • Author: Godly Perfection
            • The Cellars is the first official Conquest map. It is an inspired remake of the original Halo 3 "The Cellars" (the first Conquest map in Halo 3) that is created on Countdown with the iconic bridge of the Halo 3 Version.
          • Eden
            • Author: LD
            • eden is a Reimagination of LD's Halo 3 Conquest Map eden.
          • Facility
            • Author: Bartoge
            • Facility is the first conquest map to be in ForgeWorld. Created by Bartoge, you can bet it sports some great gameplay.
          • Ridge
            • Author: SmartAlec13
            • Ridge takes place on the small cliffs on the "Pillar Rock" of Forgeworld. This Conquest map is a circular path that wraps around the huge rock. It is not symmetrical, but it is still balanced out. It meets the Conquest requirements, having only 5 territories and required weapons.
      • Sorted Alphabetically By Author
          • Bartoge
            • Facility is the first conquest map to be in ForgeWorld. Created by Bartoge, you can bet it sports some great gameplay.

          • Godly Perfection
            • The Cellars - The first official Conquest map. It is an inspired remake of the original Halo 3 "The Cellars" (the first Conquest map in Halo 3) that is created on Countdown with the iconic bridge of the Halo 3 Version.
          • LD
            • Eden - eden is a Reimagination of LD's Halo 3 Conquest Map eden.
          • SmartAlec13
            • Ridge - Ridge takes place on the small cliffs on the "Pillar Rock" of Forgeworld. This Conquest map is a circular path that wraps around the huge rock. It is not symmetrical, but it is still balanced out. It meets the Conquest requirements, having only 5 territories and required weapons.


    • [aname=15][highlight]Support[/highlight][/aname]

    #1 Noxiw, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  2. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad to see that Conquest is back and running. I was actually about to try to contact GunnerGrunt since I hadnt seen any Conquest stuff come up, and I had joined the Conquest craze late in Halo3's lifespan. So I will deffinatly be using this gametypes and creating a good amount of maps.
  3. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Holy crap, I was waiting for this. I was wait for some known member to actually post a fair, improved conquest game. This works better and all the flaws were fixed from Halo 3 (the flaws weren't important anyway). You even remade are first Halo 3 conquest map and introduced it into Reach. Nice job, this is what I was hoping for.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I always thought that certain mechanics of the original Conquest were off. That's why I did a lot of research. I looked into which weapons earned the most kills, how many headshots, how many melees, etc. And that's why I came out with my own version.

    But in Reach, it looks like you put a lot of thought into it. The gametype uses "time scoring" instead of "ownership scoring". That means that for each territory your team controls, you get one point per second. In the H3 version, you got a point for every territory your team owned at the end of the round. That made the first 2 minutes and 30 seconds of the round pointless, since either team could push at the end and get the center. With the new way, you can actually pull ahead by owning the center for the majority of the round.

    Also, teams switch sides after each round, so maps now don't have to be 100% symmetrical and balanced. I always thought that Conquest maps allowed forgers to be lazy since you really only had to design half a map and then copy it. Now there can be subtle differences without sacrificing balance. Each team spends 2 of 4 rounds on each side of the map. Perfectly balanced.

    I'm a little put off by the weapon restrictions. No area of effect weapons and no grenades? Come on! I loved the linear nature of Conquest maps when I had some sticky grenades since it made it so easy to stick people. And we used to allow the brute shot but now it's Reach counterpart, the concussion rifle, is off limits. I'm against weapon censorship, but I understand the reasoning behind it. Still, I think you should have left it up to the map designer.

    Overall, it looks good on paper. I'd like to play a few games before I make up my mind though.

    EDIT: And I think you're whoring it up a bit too much with all the sig ads. Let the gametype speak for itself.
    #4 Furious D 18, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  5. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    I'm glad to see this up and running. But I'm still contemptuous of your "certification" process.
    #5 Indie Anthias, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010
  6. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Yes! I was waiting for some conquest map in Reach! But couldn't people just camp in their spawn rooms to get points?
    #6 KurmisTheFrog, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  7. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, I've been waiting for this. I've been planning out Conquest on Countdown but I knew you guys would have something elaborate in the works for Conquest.

    I think you should allow a bit more designer creativity though. The brute shot was one of the best parts of H3C, and if the concussion tests fine, then I don't see why you can't use it. Same goes with sniper. A lot of the really fun moments were racing to the middle to grab a sniper or brute shot with a short clip and using it to get a slight advantage that could change the rest of the game.

    Any name ideas for Conquest on Countdown? Countquest?
  8. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I think the new conquest don't need them. Any power weapon(Concussion is cause it kills from 3 shots) would mean control of the game since theres no spawn on captures. Now it's about pushing force and tactics.
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought, ah... whats-his-face-creator-guy would have posted this. Anyways, I might have a go at creating a Conquest map. I never really like it in Halo 3 but that video got me interested.
  10. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    AZN FTW may be the creator of conquest, but Gunnergrunt and Bartoge are both great conquest forgers (they're the only two that I know).
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So there's still no decision making involved in map movement? K. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
  12. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The brute shot [concussion rifle] has been removed due to its ability hit multiple enemies at once. The sniper is far too powerful as it doesn't do damage over time.
  13. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Not trying to be rude especially after this well made thread which would of took awhile to make but I dunno who made the choices to change the gametype settings ex: removeing grenades and territory point system etc, I see why the changes where made though but seems like just a personal choice to changing the game rules making it differ from "Conquest" and making it feel like your personal spin on "Conquest" and making a thread to make it look like The Official "Conquest" gametype.

    You could of made a perfect remake of conquest the way the original person who made it made it.

    -You could make it 1 point a territory if you wanted, use the base gametype as land grab. Might be bad idea but still its a massive change to the gametype maybe the person who made it(and people who played it) wanted it that way.(to allow for a last minute rush to win instead of knowing your defeated 3/4 done and other reasons)

    -Concussion Rifle is weaker than a brute shot and has less splash damage. So I don't see why that was removed? I see your going for "softeners" "headshoters" and "damagers" but why can't there be a weakish low ammo'd "Splash damager"? (Think RTS,Tower defense games there is always a splash damage weapon) which really only gives you an advantage if there's more than one person really close to each other.

    -Grenades are 1/3 of the halo weapons triangle melee/guns/grenades just like you have your weapon triangle softeners/headshoters/damagers taking one of your 3 out would effect the game right? taking out of the halos out effects it just as much just not in your face obviously kind of way.

    Just some things I felt i had to say, No hard feelings :)
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Just saying, not trying to be rude or anything, but the original creator of Conquest wrote this out. Noxiw simply posted it on his behalf. This is the new version as the creator considers the Conquest should be. He feels that this suits the Conquest experience that is being aimed for.

    Just some things I felt I had to say, no hard feelings. :)

  15. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Oh i see lol, just a huge thread which I've read most of already so didn't read all of it must of missed that part.

    It's good rules I just always feel awkward in games without grenades :p, ( I still think concussion rifle should be allowed but who am i to judge) I love games that promote teamwork can't wait to actually get a big group of people to play it.
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah I already am making a map for this but I'm also making spinoffs of it, just like the good ol Halo 3 days. Armor abilities anyone?
  17. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Name one that won't ruin Conquests concept

    Also, click here for a little preview
  18. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Nice and actually I think I will be able to make it work. We shall certainly see, eh?
  19. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Added Bartoge's map Facility to the map listing.
  20. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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