Hi what's up guys. It's been a while since I've visited Forgehub, is Draw the Line and rustyeagle still here? Anyhow. I'm sure plenty of good Lockout remakes have been made so this is like spitting into an ocean. I made this mainly for practicing Forge so I don't mind if you all think it's terrible. The map is very "cosy" like Halo 2, which I think lends towards the fast paced gameplay I loved when playing modes like MLG Ball. I tested this map with Draw the Line and some others and it seems to have a very nostalgic, fast-paced flow to it. Everyone I asked said it was very fun including a Halo cynical friend of mine. I've made a couple of changes to the map in order to ensure certain jumps are possible, a few things that make it flow well in Reach, and also a few personal touches that can be changed if you want to quickly forge them back. For instance, there's a window now at lower Sniper Tower with a Needle Rifle, not a Plasma Rifle, so you can snipe down to the Sword walkway. This is an idea I got off a friend who knows his Halo. The window is there to tie the map up and make Sniper/BR stalemates less game-breaking. There are a few weapon changes, for example a DMR in place of the SMG, a Needle Rifle in place of the lower Needler (so you can shoot down bottom middle), and a few Health packs scattered around in places design to lure map-control teams out of the BR tower. The fusion cores are also removed because they're always blown up within the first 30 seconds anyhow (they mainly get in the way more than anything) but you're more than welcome to put them back in if you wish. Anyhow, I think there have been some really nice looking Lockout maps, but I felt I would post this anyhow due to its gameplay. It's a very fast-paced, smaller type of map. If you wish to see an example of gameplay, also check out my 3v3 Slayer playtest to get a sense of how the map flows. Barrier above Library: Top Lift: Yes you can fall down that hole like in Halo 2 (and jump up to top-BR via the Antenna): Sniper Perch: Bottom Middle: Sniper Tower:
Looks pretty sweet im downloading now but could you please give an overview screenshot? And won't swapping a SMG with a DMR significantly change the gameplay?
The spaces and overall feel are more faithful than the other remakes I've played around in. Very nice, and the shield doors over library were a nice touch!
I'll try to add an overview screenshot if I remember the next time I'm on, but it's pretty much what you'd expect with it being a remake. The pictures I took show the overall size with a few Spartans to show relative scale. Also as for the changes, I thought they were for the better. There were a few problems with Lockout. The weapon placement made the Grav Lift room an awful place to spawn so a DMR there should help. And the Needle Rifles on the lower parts of the map should make it easier to snipe someone and break a stalement. Speaking of which, the small size of the level along with Sprint/Evade should make it flow faster, promote charging and be less campy in general. The bottom sniper window I added also helps to break a stalemate when they inevitably drop down for the Sword. But like I said, if you prefer it the old way, I made sure everything can be changed with minimal fuss.
Wow I didn't even realize this was up and running already. The map is quite faithful to the original for sure, with some nice adaptations for Halo Reach. I know the gametype we played with had lower gravity, so I'm curious to see how it plays with standard settings. I certainly got a beating playing against you guys, but the map was a lot of fun to play on. My only gripe with the map is the angled ramps by the top lift. That area just didn't feel as authentic to me as everything else (By a small margin). Other than that small criticism, it's a wonderful map. One that I'll have in my library for sure.
Awesome map, very faithful to the original and the jumps are there. I do not care for the added window under the sniper tower but like you said, that is easy to change. it does get a little choppy for me on the ramp of battle rifle tower overlooking the main platform.